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The Benefits of Creating a Strengths-Based Organizational Culture

Essay Instructions:

Option #2: What Are the Benefits of Creating a Strengths-Based Organizational Culture? (75 points)
Assume you are in a leadership role at your company. You are trying to convince your colleagues about the merit of strengths-based leadership.
Based on the outside research and readings from the week, make a business case that supports this type of leadership approach. Keep in mind this is academic writing. It should be written in third person and should not include unsubstantiated opinions, but rather facts and theories.
Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:
4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
3 scholarly references must be cited in the assignment. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with in-text citations and references; all facts must be supported; in-text citations used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.
Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the Course Information page.
Formatted according to CSU Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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Benefits of Creating a Strengths-Based Organizational Culture
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Benefits of Creating a Strengths-Based Organizational Culture
Organizational leaders are confounded by culture, particularly because it is centered on unspoken mindsets, social patterns, and behaviors. Many executives either let culture go unmanaged or relegate it to the human resources department, which conceives it as a secondary facet of the organization. Nevertheless, executives need to understand the impact of different cultures on the organization. Within a strengths-based culture, managers, leaders, and workers continually develop each person’s potential, culminating in an engaged staff and organic organizational growth. Strengths-based organizations combine strengths development into their vision, values, processes, and mission, including how personnel work and collaborate daily. This culture is significantly linked to staff engagement and high performance. The benefits of creating a strengths-based organizational culture include enabling the manager to understand and motivate employees to enhance engagement, generating a sense of purpose to drive retention, and providing growth opportunities to attract and retain top talent.
Enhancing Engagement and Overall Performance
A manager understands and motivates employees to attain optimal staff engagement and high performance. Employee engagement is an affective or psychological state that builds attitudes or performance. In other words, engagement is an effort by organizational members to commit themselves to their duties. Engagement constitutes the antithesis of work fatigue (Riyanto et al., 2021). In this context, employee engagement describes the worker’s status that emanates from the social exchange within the work environment and culminates into higher organizational productivity. In the strengths-based culture, employees find meaning in the organizational policies and work, thus driving overall performance. The strengths-based organizational culture empowers employees to engage and express themselves cognitively, emotionally, and physically while executing their works (Siswanto et al., 2021). This environment makes employees to contributes more and make them increasingly loyal, thereby mitigating the need or desire to leave the organization voluntarily.
In other words, a strengths-based organizational culture empowers managers to interact and understand employees, thus enhancing their engagement to the work, which enhances organizational productivity. In addition to engagement, a strengths-based organizational culture provides an avenue for managers to motivate employees to work to their optimal energy and capacity (Gallup Inc., 2022). Employees’ performance increases when executives motivate them via rewards. Motivation is positively correlated to employees’ performance (Siswanto et al., 2021). Therefore, the more motivated employees, the higher the probability of obtaining more sales revenues and improving their performance.
Creating A Sense of Purpose
Within the strengths-based organizational culture, the company’s norms and values are communicated to everyone and consistently shared across the organization. As the company expands into new geographies and segments over the years, the leadership needs to strive to sustain a diversified customer focus without undermining its cherished culture (Groysberg et al., 2018). In the strengths-based culture, leaders create a sense of purpose by incorporating team-building activities or cultivating increasingly attractive values to encourage positive attitudes and a productive environment in the workplace (Gallup Inc., 2022). In addition, the culture develops and preserves an organizational sense of purpose by creating processes that reinforce core norms and values congruent to organizational mission and objectives. The strengths-based culture makes employees feel like a family when interacting, particularly by emphasizing caring and purpose.
A sense of purpose is a significant driver of retention for millennials. Notably, millennials don’t simply work for the paycheck – they want a purpose. For millennials, their works should have a meaning. They need to work for companies with a purpose and mission. In this vein, executives should create an...
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