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Methods of Poor Communication and Their Effect on Motivation, Teamwork, and Management

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze methods of poor communication and their effect on motivation, teamwork, and effective conflict management and resolution. Make sure you use the Topic 5 West Coast Transit Case template that I provided. Any paper not on the appropriate template will not be accepted and will be returned. Write a paper (1,600-1,800 words) in which you address the following based on the information provided in the "West Coast Transit Case Study" resource.
Describe the three criteria for evaluating effective team/group work (as stated in the textbook) and use the criteria to analyze the effectiveness of the team.
Review each of the five stages of group formation. Determine what stage(s) are evident in the case and provide a justification of your response.
Apply Schein's three behavioral profiles to specific members of the team. Identify how the profiles are demonstrated in the case.
Evaluate whether the communication among the participants in the case was effective or not. Justify your answer by considering any existing barriers to communication.
Review the two main types of conflicts described in the textbook. Explain how each type of conflict is evident in the case.
Propose how Denson should resolve the conflict in this case using one direct conflict management approach. Explain your response.
Additionally, propose an indirect conflict management approach. Explain your response.
Identify one specific leadership activity and one specific maintenance activity that should be encouraged. Identify the most significant disruptive behavior that should be discouraged.
Identify a significant motivational problem experienced by each individual: Jing, Mahonney, and Tanney. Describe how Denson should motivate each person. Be sure to provide a specific motivational suggestion for each person based on their motivational needs. Ensure that you have at least one suggestion from each of the motivational theory/techniques: content theories, process theories, and reinforcement strategies.
You are required to use at least two external scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and the case study resource.

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West Coast Transit Case Study
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Organizational Behavior and Management
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West Coast Transit
Modern organizations often employ teams to address challenges such as competition, advances in technology, and changes in customer tastes and preferences. One key role of leaders in organizations is to ensure that the teams are effective in accomplishing their tasks. This means that leaders in modern organizations have to understand how concepts such as conflicts, communication, group formation, and motivation play out in team settings. West Coast Transit (WCT) is a charter airline that depends on teams to attain its goals. The WCT case study will be explored to evaluate group formation, behavioral roles, effective communication, conflicts, leadership, and motivation in the following sections.
Effective Teams
Effective teams are integral to the attainment of organizational goals. According to Mehta and Mehta (2018), team effectiveness captures a realistic and broad picture of team evaluation and goes beyond quantitative outcomes like objective performance. It also includes qualitative measures. As described by Uhl-Bien et al. (2021), three criteria for evaluating an effective team are task performance, team viability, and member satisfaction.
Task performance means the attainment of performance goals according to standards such as quality, timeliness, and quantity (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). The team led by Pete Denson has to develop a marketing campaign within six weeks. The attainment of this goal will determine the team’s effectiveness in the task performance dimension. Team viability refers to the willingness of team members to continue working well together or whether they are looking forward to working together again in future projects (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). For the case of WCT, the team looks disoriented, and it does not look like they would like to work together in the future. There is low team viability. Member satisfaction is the degree to which members believe their participation is positive and addresses their personal needs. Denson’s team members are not satisfied due to the workload and time constraint, and Tanney feels it will interfere with her counseling sessions.
Five Stages of Group Formation
The first stage is forming, and it involves members asking questions as they begin orienting with one another and group expectations in regards to rules and behavior (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). After the forming stage, enters the storming stage, where there is high tension and emotionality among the group members (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). As such, this stage is characterized by infighting, hostility, and uncomfortable pressures. These aspects lead to clarifications, and individuals eventually begin to understand one another. The third stage, norming, involves members coming together to work as a unit. The harmony and closeness limit criticisms and deviations from team goals (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). Performing is the fourth stage and is characterized by the team fully becoming mature and well-functioning. There is high motivation and satisfaction among team members. The fifth and last stage is adjourning. It involves ending group activities after accomplishing its goals.
The second stage, storming, is evident in the case of WCT. The group is in the storming stage because of the high tension and emotionality. This is evident when Mahonney and Tanney point out that the team’s objectives are massive and unattainable due to the huge workload and time constraints. The squabble between Denson and Tanney highlights the expected tension of a group in the storming stage.
Behavioral Roles
The three behavior profiles identified by Schein are tough battler, friendly helper, and objective thinker (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). The tough battler is frustrated because they do not have an identity in the team, and they may reject authority or act aggressively (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). In the case of WCT, Tanney is most likely to be the tough battler. At the beginning of the meeting, she mentions how, because of the workload and time constraints, the attainment of the goals of the group was impossible. She also demands an apology and respect from Denson before leaving the meeting. The frustration and challenge of authority indicate that she is the tough battler. Mahonney is definitely the friendly helper because he shows a lot of support for others and appears to behave in a dependent way. While he initially agrees with Tanney that the goals are unattainable, he has a change of heart and encourages the members to “pull together.” The objective thinker is characterized by the anxiety of how their personal needs will be met in the team. Jing is the objective thinker because she is concerned about whether the group will interfere with her relocation to another department.
Effective Communication
Effective communication is vital for the achievement of team goals. Raappana and Horila (2019) noted that the existence, performance, and development of teams are based on communication. It is clear that effective communication was not present in the team right from the start. According to the case, Jing is the only participant who reviewed the agenda and came up with some suggestions...
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