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Autocratic Leadership Style

Essay Instructions:

Once again, we will be considering an experience which has personal significance for you as a means of understanding the material from this module. For this Case Assignment, think about a situation involving leadership that made a strong impression on you. Please structure your essay in the following format, using the subtopics as headings. Your paper should be 4–6 pages, plus a title page and a references page.

Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper

Concrete Experience: Objectively describe the leadership experience. It could be a situation where you were in a leadership position, or one in which you were working under someone else as leader. The situation could have been a good experience or a failure in leadership. The important consideration is that it is a situation which you would like to understand better. In this section, strive to be objective and stick to the facts—who, what, where, when, and how.

Reflective Observation: Step back and consider the situation from different points of view. How did you feel—what were your thoughts at the time? It is also critical to consider the experience of others involved. How do you think they were feeling? Did they see things the same way you did? The key to this section of your paper is to understand the experience not only from your own perspective, but also to develop the ability to be able to look at the situation through others’ eyes. Use these different perceptions to add depth and meaning to your objective description.

Abstract Conceptualization: There are many readings and other materials explaining various models of leadership in the background section of this module. Use at least three of them to help explain the behavior of the leader and the followers in this incident. How do the models of leadership and power presented in the background material help you understand your behavior as well as how others reacted (commitment, compliance, or resistance?) Use proper citations and referencing when referring to any material from the background pages or any additional outside research. (Outside research not required, but you may supplement the background material if you choose. It should not replace the background readings and videos, but acts as an additional source.)

(Remember: The abstract conceptualization section is the “heart” of your paper. Your ability to clearly and logically apply concepts of leadership to explain your own experience is essential to demonstrating critical thinking.)

Active Experimentation: What have you learned about effective leadership from this exercise? What have you learned about how the leadership style influences follower’s reactions and motivation? What actions would you take to revise or improve upon your own leadership style and practices to be more effective in the future?

Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learning you are taking from it.

Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper. If you have APA questions, refer to the optional listings on the background page.

Assignment Expectations

Your Case paper will be evaluated using the criteria on the assignment rubric (see the rubric for more detail): Assignment-Driven, Critical Thinking, Business Writing, Effective Use of Information, Citing Sources, and Timeliness.

4-6 pages double spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leaders and Leadership
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Leaders and Leadership
The primary topic of the paper is ineffective leadership depicted by a new manager in my company’s marketing department. In particular, the key sections of my paper are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, and conclusion. I will share a leadership situation I experienced at my previous company and the lessons obtained from it. My paper reflects on this leadership incident since I want to understand and learn from it better. That way, I will know things that can enable one to be a good leader who has the power to influence his or her followers effortlessly. The leadership discussed in this paper entails a manager who used an autocratic leading style, making his followers feel left out and resist proposed changes.
Concrete Experience
In my work experience, I have encountered effective and ineffective leaders. However, the most significant leadership situation that I would like to understand better involved a departmental manager who made decisions without consulting his followers and expected them to adhere to them entirely. In this scenario, I will refer to this leader as Amos Elon. Elon was a manager in the marketing department. He oversaw twenty employees, and I was among them. Elon came from another company to replace the outgoing manager who was promoted. When he first arrived, everyone had high hopes for him. After two weeks, Elon called a meeting and told us that he was not impressed with how things were being done in the marketing department. He said that there are crucial changes that he needed to implement to improve operational efficiency. When employees heard about changes, they started murmuring since no one knew what was happening since no consultations were done. Workers felt uncomfortable with the suggested changes since they involved reorganizing various tasks. Some said that they would send complaints to the human resource department.
Reflective Observation
From my perspective, Elon might have been a good leader, but his approach to implementing changes was wrong. Besides, he had not even taken time in the organization to learn how things were done and if employees achieved the set objectives. I felt bad about the situation since the previous leader was used to interacting with his followers and inviting them into the decision-making process. Fellow workers were humiliated, dissatisfied, and demotivated since they were not consulted about the recommended changes. Even if Elon had the firm’s best interest at heart, he should have understood the importance of allowing employees to participate in the change process. Managers from other departments were also not happy since that was not how things were done in the company. They always consulted their seniors and juniors before changing things to ensure positive outcomes. In that light, it appeared as if Elon wanted to use similar strategies he applied in his previous work, forgetting that in my organization leaders and followers maintained proper relationships through effective communication.
Abstract Conceptualization
Despite Elon’s impressive performance at his previous organization, he did not take the time to learn and interact with employees in my company to understand how things were done. His suggestions might have been the best in promoting the performance of the marketing department. However, Elon ended up creating a ridge between himself and his followers. Elon exhibited autocratic leadership, which Felipe Aravena associates with destructive leadership behaviors. They include poor communication, as witnessed in my firm, poor strategic skills, and inconsistent behavior (Aravena, 2019). Recommending changes within two weeks did not give Elon appropriate time to create a proper relationsh...
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