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Appreciative Inquiry Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, think about a team you currently work with or have worked with in the past and how well this team has functioned. Think about both the positives and the negatives, and how the material from the background readings applies to what you’ve experienced. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper answering the following three questions below. Make sure to cite at least one of the required readings for each of your answers, and to cite at least two of the required readings in your paper:

What are some of the key positive aspects of this team? Discuss some specific positives and include some stories of times when the team functioned especially well. Do you think these stories could work in an Appreciative Inquiry approach to come up with a plan to improve the performance of the team?

How is the effectiveness or performance of this team usually measured? Could a traditional organizational development approach help identify problems in this team as well as find ways in which team performance could be improved?

Overall, do you think an Appreciative Inquiry or a traditional organizational development would be better for this team? If your team was to hire a consultant, what type of approach would you want the consultant to take?

Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D. K., & Stavros, J. M. (2008). Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change. Brunswick, OH: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. [EBSCO eBook Collection]

For a detailed case study of a real-life use of Appreciative Inquiry, see the following article:

Berrisford, S. (2005). Using Appreciative Inquiry to drive change at the BBC. Strategic Communication Management, 9(3), 22-25. [ProQuest]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Appreciative Inquiry
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Appreciative Inquiry
Group dynamics determines the performance of a team in an organization both in formal and informal settings. However, they differ across organizations and settings based on the attitude and behaviour of people forming the group. The attitude and behaviour of team members influences the development and processes of the group either positively or negatively. Normally, there is a set standard of behaviour which guides the team. Mostly, the objective of a team is to accomplish an a certain task. In most organizations, teams are created to help the organization achieve a positive aspect to its desired levels. Most of us have worked in a team and witnessed both positive and negative aspects of a team. The team I worked with recently portrayed the following positive aspects as discussed below.
Teamwork, this is the co-operation among the team members to achieve a common goal. This aspect involved working together by creating strong communication and relationship ties among the team members to achieve the set targets. Teamwork ensured that every member was involved in all processes especially in the decision making process which is a critical process in a group.
Good planning and coordination is another aspect of a group that was portrayed by the group. This was done to ensure that all activities were completed as per the schedule; no task was skipped or left undone. This aspect coincided with timeliness which ensured that all tasks completed within the set deadlines. The team members used to report to work earlier and sometimes left late to either plan for tomorrow or review the daily milestones. This reduced the workload of the day or address urgency matters that required immediate action. Some these matters included quality of service delivered and customer satisfaction concerns. From the stories of work experiences, appreciative inquiry approach will help in developing a framework that will improve team performance by based on the approach’s principles.
The first principle of constructionism suggests that actions taken by people are as a result of their believes, think and they emerge from the relationships they have (Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros, 2008). The daily interactions influences the relationships created within an organization. Therefore, the inquiry approach helps in developing ideas that will create strong relationships. Secondly, the poetic principle proposes that people express their daily life within an organization through stories that they tell each other every day. The choice of word and topics discussed are inquired to come up with new ideas and meanings. The third prin...
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