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Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory and the Equity Theory

Essay Instructions:

a) Explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and explain how these concepts are related to Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory? b) Explain equity theory, and the similarities between equity theory and distributive and procedural justice.

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Analysis of Management Theories
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Analysis of Management Theories
Intrinsic motivation entails an engagement within behavior that is inherently enjoyable and satisfying. It is fundamentally non-instrumental since an intrinsically driven action is not tied to any consequences distinct from the behavioral inclination itself (Legault, 2016). Extrinsic motivation delineates behavioral performance that is basically dependent on outcome attainment that is distinct from the activity itself (Legault, 2016). These concepts are related to Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene model since the theory recognizes intrinsic motivators [e.g., the job itself, credit or attainment] as well as hygiene elements that are increasingly inclined to be extrinsic motivators [e.g., supervision, firm administration, salary] (Kuranchie-Mensah & Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016). Herzberg’s viewpoint is that intrinsic and extrinsic motivators result in job satisfaction since they satisfy a person’s self-actualization needs (Kuranchie-Mensah & Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016).
Equity theory acknowledges that people are concerned with both the absolute magnitude of rewards they gain from their work and the association of their rewards to what their competitors or others obtain. Based on an individual’s input, including efforts, competence, education, and experience, one could com...
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