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Analysis of Donut Chart and Bar Graph

Essay Instructions:
  • The Assignment must be submitted (WORD format only)
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • Use APA reference style.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Learning Outcomes:

2.4 Illustrate techniques and skills of correct business research report writing; learn report writing style using an approved style; and, apply the basics of oral communication in a presentation of a project, including, proper speech, organization, use of graphical aids, and effective non-verbal communications.

3.1 Analyze effective business letters, memorandums, and case studies.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Professor’s Name
Part 1
1. Figure 1: Donut Chart
Title descriptiveness – The title is good and indicates what the figure represents.
Focal points – They do not show the specific waste products on the donut chart, and their percentages are vague (General Authority for Statistics, 2017).
Information sufficiency – The information is not sufficient since not all percentages are shown on the donut chart.
Ease of processing – No ease of processing information.
Takeaway message – All waste products should be indicated alongside their actual percentages.
Figure 2: Bar Graph
Title descriptiveness – The title portrays that the waste products indicated in the bar graph are those significantly used in economic establishments (General Authority for Statistics, 2017). However, it is not clear whether the waste should be the ones released or used.
Focal points – Not clear since the reader will have to guess the amount.
Information sufficiency – Although the information is relevant, it is displayed incorrectly.
Ease of processing – The reader cannot process the data easily since there is no specific order.
Takeaway message – Using bars of different colors can help the reader differentiate wastes used in economic establishments.
2. One of the most effective aspects of the donut chart is the use of different colors for distinctive wastes produced in economic establishments. In addition, a key of what these colors represent is given alongside the donut chart, making it easy for the reader to see waste distribution on the donut chart (Midway, 2020). When it comes to the bar graph, the effective aspect is the labeling of the bars on the x-axis. That way, it is easy for the reader to know the number of different types of waste produced in economic establishments.
3. The donut chart can be improved by showing the percentage of waste produced in economic establishments alongside their actual representation. If the space is limited and cannot accommodate the percentage, an arrow should be used to show the percentage outside the donut chart. In addition, the color of the writings inside the donut chart should be visible. Besides, the bar chart can be improved by labeling the y and x axes. Moreover, the figures showing the quantity of waste released should be simplified. For example, the y-axis should be labeled the quantity of waste produced in economic establishments in “10,000.” In that light, the figures should start from 0, 5, 10…. 40.
Part 2: Persuading University Students to Start a Savings Account
1. “Youthful is a precious period that should be utilized well. If you start saving $50 every month beginning now, you will have saved over $18,000 in the next 30 years. Do not be like many young people who spend all the money they get. You should spare something for retirement starting from the point you get your first paycheck. You can set a specific percentage, let’s say 4%, to save for your retirement from your income. The earlier you save for retirement, the higher the chances you have to lead a healthy and independent life after retiring. Indeed, it is not early, the right time to begin is now.”
2. The psychological tools of influence that I have used in the above message meant to convince university students to start saving for retirement are consistency, reciprocation, and scarcity. Consistency is used to show that those students who will start saving for retirement are likely to provide for themselves when they get old without disturbing others. As such, saving for retirement...
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