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Information Seeking Behavior of an Engineer and a Nurse

Essay Instructions:


In this assignment you will explore the information-seeking behaviour of two professionals, comparing and contrasting their behaviour. You will also reflect on your own behaviour.


Identify and interview 2 individuals in different professions (i.e. Engineer, Architect, Nurse, Doctor, Welder, Mechanic, etc.).

Guiding Questions:

1. Describe their educational or experiential background. How did they develop expertise in their profession?

2. How do they generally seek information for professional purposes?

3. What are the key places they seek professional information? Consider online, physical, and individuals or groups, formal and informal.

4. What is most challenging in information seeking in their profession? What is easy and enjoyable?

5. Ask them to describe a situation where they had to find information related to their profession. Where did they go? How did they determine that the information was current, accurate and authoritative?

Summarize: The responses for each of the individuals for the five guiding questions

Compare and contrast: The results, identifying similarities and differences.

Reflect: Explore your own information-seeking behaviour in response to the guiding questions. How is this different or similar to those that you interviewed?

Citations can be made using the articles linked below:

1. https://www(dot)salon(dot)com/2012/01/01/are_we_on_information_overload/
2. https://journals(dot)uic(dot)edu/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/738/647

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The two individuals picked for this interview were an engineer and a nurse. These are two professions that have been traditionally based on accuracy and thoroughness. The engineer is a graduate with seven years of experience in the field. In the seven years, he has had stints in mega constructions such as mining, expressway construction, and dualing of roads. He specializes in civil works such as roads, buildings, and bridges. The government currently employs him as a resident engineer. On the other hand, the nurse is a BSN, presently pursuing an MSN. She has worked for only one hospital in her four-year professional career. Her expertise is drawn from the busy hospital environment and the high application of cutting-edge technology in most operations within that hospital. Her focus on further education makes her more versatile in the current and future nursing environment.
When it comes to information seeking, these two professionals are quite particular. The engineer prefers information from engineering reports, while the nurse goes for nursing journals. Even when searching through the internet, both of them are so keen to avoid general articles and blogs, instead checking out the credibility of the sources they use for their information. They only opt for articles when the information is a current event or an undertaking within their respective fields. The engineer also has a collection of books in his library that he refers to in case he wants to confirm some technical information. Several online databases are sources of peer-reviewed articles that are essential sources of information.
The nurse and the engineer also noted that sometimes they ask their colleagues in their respective fields for certain professional information. Professional bodies usually offer a good source of information, especially in instances where changes are to be made in the respective professions. For example, there is the CINAHL, EBSCOHOST, and JSTOR. For anyone seeking factual information, it is usually essential to check out the credibility of the sources being accessed. This is the age of propaganda and misinformation.
People have many weird motives in their dealings, and some even try to influence others in the wrong way. Technology has meant that accessing information through the internet is relatively easy, but retrieving quality information is crucial. The internet is like an open market, where anyone and everyone posts their opinions. Some might be biased, and some might be outright misleading. Rogers (2012) notes that it is quite important to sift ...
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