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AI's Implications and Regulations in the Public Relations (PR) Sector

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Nice start on this draft. It's difficult to understand what you specifically studied and what is being cited of others. Describe what you analyzed in the methods and report specific themes in the results. The methods share that a QCA is performed but how was that facilitated and answers to this: "integral advantages, namely, identifying complex causal patterns, the difference between sufficient and important conditions, common ground between qualitative and quantitative analysis, and reinforcement of the capacity of other strategies"

The "Need for Study" also shares insight on different goals of this study, but it doesn't sound focused on a specific topic with AI in PR.

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Innovate PR Final
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Innovate PR Final
For decades especially in the 21st century, the world has been experiencing tremendous growth and development in every field thanks to technological development. Artificial intelligence (AI) cannot miss the list when mentioning some recently developed technology. Artificial intelligence has been gaining massive popularity; thus, it is essential to understand what it entails, including its strengths, impacts, and parameters used to study it. The technology comes with several benefits and risk factors, which need more understanding to ensure it assists in enhancing the well-being of people in all rounds. Therefore, this paper evaluates AI's implications and regulations in the public relations (PR) sector.
Research question
What are the implications and regulations of artificial intelligence (AI) in the public relation sector?
Literature Review
AI is a sector of computer science where programmers try to develop an intelligent machine that can behave, think, and act like humans. This area was once developed in an attempt to replicate human features. Artificial intelligence comprises many phases of planning, thinking, analyzing data, and forecasting results (Ehlers, 2021). The AI comprises humans, knowledge bases, and an algorithm set. These elements function together in diverse facets versus being separate.
On the other hand, chat GPT refers to an AI chatbot developed by Open AI. It is trained with vast amounts of language data to forecast the next word of a sentence effectively. It is trained to respond to human queries when they ask questions. The attributes of chatGPT are many, including holding conversations with a person, text translation, writing computer codes and essays, and developing content for marketing. Recently, AI has played a significant role in responding to crises by predicting extreme events that can lead to crises. It can provide essential insights concerning risks to impacted populations (Beduschi, 2022). Thus, AI systems can significantly perform predictive analysis to prepare people for responding to a crisis.
With time, AI is projected to continue to grow and evolve and thus significantly affecting the work and lives of numerous individuals. Incorporating AI is difficult and needs a comprehensive understanding of the possible benefits of the upcoming technology. Okonji (2023) asserted that even though AI is a technology that can contribute to several advantages, it can also be used for evil work. Its negative effect can be deteriorating for humanity to control or last. Therefore, there is a need for international treaties and controls to be embraced to monitor this Promethean technology. Understanding AI can help researchers to evaluate its advantages in a detailed manner effectively. Soken-Huberty (2022) purported that it could be essential in reducing human errors when programmed efficiently. This study showed that AI projected 78% accuracy of a patient experiencing sepsis would eventually die after 30 days once released from ICU.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has greatly impacted how people live and work because they can use facial recognition to unlock mobile phones, and virtual assistants are conversing with electronic devices. Focusing on the future, AI has a massive ability to almost all aspects of civilization. Its impact is evident in all aspects, from autonomous driving and its capacity to minimize traffic accidents to faster translation of spoken or written words into any language. Thank AI for enhancing business; the last part is to understand how PR experts assess the impact of AI on PR.
Organizations apply AI to change prospects into clients. As a result, PR is embracing modern technology and utilizing AI's abilities. Furthermore, AI can use its branches to develop efficient and successful PR efforts. Also, since it refers to a large range of tools and devices which carry out cognitive functions, AI has become part of our daily lives (Media, 2023). It influences clients' lives and gives firms a significant chance to enhance profits and save expenses. Organizations benefit from AI when evaluating big data. PR agencies should take and stay updated with the most current trends. AI allows PR organizations to concentrate completely on massive amounts and types of information.
In the future, AI will also affect influencers' identification, contact suggestions, speech-to-text technology, and simple data management. For instance, AI comes with new tools that allow PR companies to find an influencer in their sector. Also, AI can help to proactively identify journalists writing related to businesses (Media, 2023). PR companies can also use AI to analyze videos to detect crucial themes and moments. It will also allow these companies to create campaigns that align with the target audience's goals and interests.
Studying AI can assist in evaluating areas, especially risky zones, that AI can assist. Soken-Huberty (2022) argued that an organization could utilize AI to work on dangerous jobs. For example, a person or company can utilize AI to do public work, including garbage collection and sorting, which are considered dangerous jobs globally. On the other hand, studying AI can effectively enhance one’s employability. Stimulating technical skills through understanding the AI world, which can be used in business and career opportunities, is one of several reasons to study AI. As a result, knowing these skills can be used directly to address daily issues that can enhance individuals' employability.
AI should not be regulated because it can exploit people. The activity is especially egregious in election years. People are concerned about using the law of enforcement, the regulators, and the IRS to critically surveil individuals that may commit crimes and avoid paying taxes. Moreover, since monitoring will grow, it is clear that AI will be applicable in recruiting members and influencing their opinions. The AI tools will also become more powerful, and as the IoT improves, the arsenal of virtual weapons will become more socially and commercially deadly.
AI will likely violate human rights and threaten the laws that protect these people. For example, using big data combined with AI can threaten the right to privacy because of increased surveillance and monitoring risk. Individuals with access to the technology can search public records more than anyone can (Hartwig, 2020). Moreover, malicious bots that produce misinformation and content faster could contribute to havoc online. AI technology can also impact equality, access to other fundamental rights, and discrimination based on gathered data that individuals find unethical.
. The Need for the Study
This paper tries to evaluate the implications and regulations of AI. The need to study or research artificial intelligence is to understand various issues associated with this technology. Over the years, humans have communicated over long distances and long periods. However, the machine used in agricultural, industrial, and post-industrial periods has been deskilling and substituting humans from their traditional careers, from clerical to craft. Furthermore, it is clear that AI affects various industries, and job types will differ, where certain jobs can become more resilient to automation than others. Certain groups of workers could have income inequality and disparity (Okonji, 2023). Thus, policymakers must consider these matters and embrace measures to combat the negative impacts.
This study also focuses on bringing to light various regulations of AI. Over the years, numerous guidelines have been projected due to the development and deployment of AI systems. These guidelines include transparency, human oversight, non-discrimination, privacy and security, and accountability. Besides, other essential guidelines include human rights, continuous monitoring and enhancement, environmental and societal wellness, and human-based values. These plans aim to promote artificial technology's safety and effective application, although no regulatory body implements these guidelines.
This research also objected to identifying human rights violations as one implication of this technology. In developing nations, the study found that AI effects on larger socio-economic matters are beginning to become present. The process automation likely to restructure jobs is a worrying concern for females and marginalized groups working in informal areas. Alternatively, nations can utilize AI to develop measures to enhance human rights. For instance, videos can be produced for audiovisual content, which is more accessible to deaf individuals. Therefore, this research has assisted in understanding AI's role in violating and promoting human rights.
Concepts of Engagement, Community Building
Community engagement refers to collaborating with the community and groups of individuals connected by special interest, geographical proximity, or the same scenarios to address the factors influencing their wellness. Community engagement is an important tool for building environmental and behavioral changes that can effectively promote the community's health and its members. Regarding practicality, community engagement is a mixture of art and science. One of the sciences involved in community engagement is artificial intelligence. However, th...
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