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Adjustment to the Proposal on Reward Membership Program Following Legal and Ethical Concerns

Essay Instructions:

Your task is to evaluate the memo from the legal department for legal and ethical concerns and recommend ways to address those concerns in alignment with organizational parameters. 1. Review the memo received from the legal department, available in the Supporting Materials section. 2. For each legal issue, include the requirements outlined below: a. Evaluate the plan for legal issues. i. Where in the proposal do the issues occur? b. Recommend changes to address the legal concerns. i. Cite or quote their language to show what you are addressing. ii. State what aspects of the plan need to change in some way to address the concern. iii. Recommend one or more possible changes. iv. Explain how your recommendations meet the legal requirements. 3. For each ethical issue, include the requirements outlined below: a. Evaluate the plan for ethical issues. i. Where in the proposal do the issues occur? ii. Consider which ethical frameworks apply. b. Recommend changes to address the ethical concerns. i. Cite or quote their language to show what you are addressing. ii. State what aspects of the plan need to change in some way to address the concern. iii. Recommend one or more possible changes. iv. Explain how your recommendations meet the ethical concerns. 4. Assess your recommendations for alignment to organizational parameters. a. Refer to the mission and vision statement from Project One (linked in the Supporting Materials)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Response Memo
Student’s Name
Response Memo
To: All Stakeholders
From: Marketing and Sales Department
Subject: Adjustment to the Proposal on Reward Membership Program Following Legaland Ethical Concerns
Following the proposed loyalty membership program aimed at improving loyalty among the low-income population to our products, the company’s legal team has expressed its concerns over the potential loopholes that may evoke legal and ethical issues from the proposed strategy. The marketing team dully acknowledges the legal team's concern and also appreciates the pieces of advice offered. Consequently, the marketing team through this memo would like to lay bare the plan that would help the program sail through without evoking any of the legal and ethical concerns identified by the legal team and also help the company realize its overall goal.
Legal Issues
Truth in Advertising
One of the proposed marketing strategies to reach the target market is the use of direct mails for those who already exist in the company’s mailing list, leaflets, and flyers distributed to the target market by recruits working on behalf of the company. Direct mailing is a more personalized and effective advertisement strategy where the company can reach the intended target market more precisely (Key & Czaplewski, 2017). The mails can be designed to bear the same information as the leaflets and flyers. The legal team, however, has raised concerns on the content of advertisement for failure to meet the fundamental requirements for legally accepted advertisement materials.
The legal team’s major concern on the advertisement materials is that the marketing team needs to “be precise in making statements about the program’s benefits, commercial speech must be non-deceptive, advertisers must be able to substantiate direct or implied superiority claims.” The three conditions have not been met as per the legal team analysis of the advertisement material and in particular, the ad lines, could cause a problem with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. FTC states “claims in the advertisement must be truthful, cannot be deceptive or unfair, and must be evidence-based.” (FTC.gov, n.d.). Content such as “membership pay for itself” can be considered deceitful because the target customers still have to make purchases to earn points and they also need to register to become members. The other ad line gives an impression that the more an individual makes purchases, the more the community benefits. In reality, the community stands to benefit when many people from that community make more purchases. Substituting the ad lines with more realistic lines such as “register to get rewards” and “more people more benefits” would still be more appealing to the target customer and also evade the truth test by the authorities.
Data Collection and Privacy
The legal team also raised some concerns about data collection and privacy. Security of personalized information and privacy is considered a fundamental human right and hence the need to have legislation to protect individual privacy and personalized information. Some data protection laws such California Consumer Privacy Act 2018 (CCPA) can be restrictive to companies offering services to the consumers. Before designing a marketing strategy that entails the collection of personalized information, there is a need to take into consideration the scope of data to be collected and their legal implication. The legal team is particularly concerned with the collection of data from the minors, as the program seeks to venture into the vast market of high school-going kids. The committee is concerned that the program would put the school in jeopardy as it is mandated by the law to to “protect the privacy and data of their students, including those who are 18”.
The minors are certainly a large market segment that would be significant in boosting the popularity of the reward program. Before engaging high school kids or children, the company should draft contractual documents that would require the persons responsible for the student's privacy, as by law, the guardian or parent, to consent to the collection of the data. The contractual terms should also offer them an opportunity to decline the offer if they deem it inappropriate to collect the student’s personalized information. Membership to the reward program is subject to the purchase of company products by the general public. High school kids, however, may not have the capacity or the authority to purchase health and beauty products. The marketing team may consider offering membership for free to high school kids subjet to consent from their parents, guardians, or tutors. The membership for high school students should also be voluntary, requiring those mandated with the protection of student data to engage in a data-sharing agreement. The marketing team, in collaboration with the technical department, should set the scope of data to be accessed, making the subjects aware of the kind of information collected from them when subscribing to the reward program and also informing them about the intended use of the data to be colle...
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