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Adaptive Toolkit for Establishing Connections and Leadership

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use attachments to write essay. Module 5-2 and MBA 530 PDFs are supporting materials. 7-2 PDF is the prompt and rubric.

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Adaptive Toolkit
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Summary of Business Problems
The business is experiencing various leadership problems as it has been brought to light via the mixed feedback presented to the leadership team. Although there are cited instances of excellent leadership from the employee survey, the softer aspects of leadership communication and management are of great concern. Besides, the business experiences issues related to its leadership's emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and social intelligence that need to be tackled if the improvement is realized.
By using this adaptive toolkit, various aspects of the organization that is critical in establishing relationships alongside creating an administrative team that is resilient and with high performance can be identified. Besides, the adaptive toolkit plays a significant role in establishing flexibility and concern in the organization, and as a result, leader-membership exchange is enhanced. Additionally, this adaptive toolkit is the one that can be put into use by many leaders in the company in generating their development plans. Leaders should have a proper development plan to implement the adaptive toolkit effectively. Besides, there should be a joint plan that the organizational leaders can efficiently actualize or replicate. Therefore, an initial development plan runs the purpose of the implementation function alongside denoting the main aspects of how proper leadership toolkit implementation is to be designed and executed.
Current Strengths
The current strengths are derived from the employee satisfaction survey and, as a result, identify the skills and behaviors associated with the leadership. First, the leaders are innovative. Innovativeness is a leadership skill that entails applying technological and improved ways to ensure the smooth movement of organizational activities. For instance, from the survey, some employees depicted high satisfaction levels concerning having the necessary tools and resources that will enable them to do their job. The trend in this satisfaction level has been rising from four years ago to the current year. These high employee satisfaction levels indicate that the company management and leaders have been innovative in providing working tools and resources.
Secondly, the leaders have fair attitude skills, as depicted by the employee survey. Equitable attitudes ensure that leaders treat their employees equally without favoritism. As shown in the employee satisfaction survey, the number of employees who gave feedback that the company leadership has been committed to helping employees fulfill their job specifications and dreams and providing employees with a sense of belonging has been relatively high over the years. Besides, the fact that many employees agree that the company leadership increasingly respects the dignity and diversity of all its employees is a clear indication that the administration has fair attitude skills. Besides, supportiveness and being highly reasonable are other skill strengths that the company leadership has. As shown in the employee survey, many employees responded that the company leadership maintained safe working conditions. Besides, the company leadership also provides employees with fair compensation for their jobs.
These strengths mentioned above are critical to the organization's success. For instance, supportiveness and reasonable skills will ensure that the company is faced with low employee turnover rates (Kyndt et al., 2009). As a result, the company will spend less revenue on outsourcing employees but instead spend the cash on creating innovation, improving work conditions, and ensuring that the company experiences maximum production. Also, fair attitude skills will promote high employee satisfaction levels wi...
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