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9/11: Risk Management, Benefits of Social Media, and Use of Cloud Services

Essay Instructions:

Review the following resource to complete the assignment:

9/11: Top Lessons Learned for Disaster Recovery. https://www(dot)computerworld(dot)com/article/2510996/9-11--top-lessons-learned-for-disaster-recovery.html

Write a 2–4 page paper in which you:

1. Explain how the attacks affected risk management in organizations and have prompted an increased justification for recovery-based objectives, initiatives, and expenditures.

2. Explain the benefits of social media and other current methods of communication for emergency notifications during an incident or disaster situation.

3. Determine whether or not organizations need to consider distanced geographic locations when preparing for backup operations or data centers and determine the effects that recovery point objectives (RPO) and recovery time objectives (RTO) have on these decisions.

4. Evaluate the use of cloud services as tools for recovery operations within an organization and explain how they could increase or decrease the effectiveness of recovery operations.

5. Determine whether or not cloud services are ideal recovery options for organizations, regardless of their size. Provide a rationale to support the answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Post 9/11 Risk Management
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Post 9/11 Risk Management
Answer 1
After 9/11, organizations worldwide altered their risk management strategies. The attacks emphasized business continuity and disaster recovery. The attacks made organizations aware of potential threats. Businesses reevaluated their risk management strategies and identified vulnerabilities in physical security, IT infrastructure, supply chains, and emergency preparedness. Many organizations prioritized risk management before September 11, 2001 (Mearian, 2011). However, the attacks underscored the need for recovery-based objectives, such as quickly implementing procedures for resuming operations after an interruption. The assaults strengthened infrastructure for disaster recovery, redundant systems, backup facilities, and redundant data storage. Redundancy and diversification ensured the continuity of operations in the face of disruptions. After the attacks, laws regarding risk management, business continuity, and emergency response were strengthened. New rules and regulations emphasized recovery-based organizational objectives. After 9/11, corporate risk management changed (Kimani et al., 2019). Business continuity, security, and infrastructure investments increased as goals shifted from prevention to recovery. The attacks prompted industry-wide advancements in preparedness, resilience, and regulatory compliance to mitigate future disasters.
Answer 2
Social media and other contemporary communication techniques have considerably changed the broadcast of emergency notifications during accidents and disasters. Government organizations, emergency management organizations, and individuals can quickly update the public on the situation, give directions, and disseminate critical information. This makes it possible to send important notifications to a big audience instantly. Social media platforms have a broad user base, which makes them a helpful tool for addressing a big audience (Mearian, 2011). These platforms enable the distribution of emergency messages to various populations, including people who would not have access to traditional media channels. Users with smartphones, tablets, or computers can access these platforms. This wide-ranging influence guarantees that important information swiftly reaches a sizable audience. Social media platforms make two-way communication possible, enabling emergency management organizations to communicate with the general public directly. People can ask questions regarding the circumstance, look for explanations, and offer updates or reports (Kimani et al., 2019). Visuals can be beneficial during an incident or a natural disaster for conveying the seriousness of the situation, showing escape routes, and giving updates on relief activities.
Answer 3
When establishing data centers or preparing for backup operations, companies frequently consider the location of their backup facilities—reducing the risk of a single catastrophic event affecting primary and secondary sites by selecting a remote location for backup operations (Ren et al., 2020). By locating secondary facilities in areas less susceptible to similar threats, such as natural disasters and geopolitical unrest, organizations can ensure a higher level of operational continuity in the event of significant disruption. By preserving the accessibility and availabi...
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