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8-1 Assignment: Negotiation Tactics and Strategies Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment will help you draft Subsections B and C of Section V: Negotiation Tactics and Strategies of the final project, which is due in Module Ten. In your submission, address all of the following critical elements:

Define the contrast principle, its value in the negotiation setting, and how it can contribute to a win-win outcome.

Using the contrast principle, outline two potential negotiating tactics that you would recommend Sharon Slade use in the negotiation meeting with Alice Jones. The gambits should help reach an integrative (win-win) outcome. Include examples to illustrate each gambit.

Explain the value of each gambit to the negotiation process.

Provide the reasons why each gambit could increase the likelihood of a successful negotiation session. Include your thoughts on the importance of striving for a win-win outcome in any negotiation setting.

Reference at least three secondary sources that support your position.

For detailed instructions, please refer to the Module Eight Assignment Guidelines and Rubric document. Before submitting your assignment, be sure to check it against the grading rubric.

Please include a refence page.


WCM 510 Module Eight Assignment Guidelines and Rubric Negotiation Tactics and Strategies Prompt: This assignment will help you draft Subsections B and C of Section V: Negotiation Tactics and Strategies of the final project, which is due in Module Ten. In your 1- to 2-page submission, you should address all of the following critical elements: 1. Define the contrast principle, its value in the negotiation setting, and how it can contribute to a win-win outcome. 2. Using the contrast principle, outline two potential negotiating tactics that you would recommend Sharon Slade use in the negotiation meeting with Alice Jones. The gambits should help reach an integrative (win-win) outcome. Include examples to illustrate each gambit. 3. Explain the value of each gambit to the negotiation process. 4. Provide the reasons why each gambit could increase the likelihood of a successful negotiation session. Reference at least three outside sources that support your position. Include your thoughts on the importance of striving for a win-win outcome in any negotiation setting. Guidelines for Submission: Your assignment must be submitted as a 1–2 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA 6th edition format to support your position. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Contrast Principle Includes a definition of the contrast principle, its value, and how it can contribute to a winwin situation Includes a definition of the contrast principle, its value, and how it can contribute to a winwin situation, but the definition is not clear or the explanation is incomplete Does not include a definition or an explanation of the contrast principle, its value, and how it can contribute to a win-win outcome 20 Negotiating Tactics Includes two potential negotiating tactics with examples that would advance a win-win outcome Includes two potential negotiating tactics with examples, but the tactics and/or reasons are not clearly explained, are incomplete, or are illogical Does not include negotiating tactics 20 Value Provides an explanation of the value of each type of gambit Provides an explanation of the value of each type of gambit, but the explanation is cursory and/or incomplete Does not provide an explanation of the value of the gambit 20 Rationale Provides reasons why the gambits will advance an integrative bargaining solution and describes the importance of a win-win outcome Provides reasons why the gambits will advance an integrative bargaining and a description of the importance of a win-win outcome, but the reasons or description are not clearly explained or are illogical Does not provide reasons why the gambits will advance an integrative bargaining solution and does not describe the importance of a win-win outcome 20 Secondary Sources Incorporates the concepts and theory from course material; integrates three secondary resources to support ideas and claims; incorporates scholarly resources effectively Incorporates some concepts and theory from course material; integrates some secondary resources to support ideas and claims but integration is cursory or secondary resources are inappropriate No sources were used to write the paper and does not incorporate the concepts and theory from course material 10 Articulation of Responses Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Negotiation Tactics and Strategies: Contrast Principle
Student’s Name
Negotiation Tactics and Strategies: Contrast Principle
The contrast principle is based on the premise that any offers made in a negotiation are usually compared to previous, most recent offers. People use contrastive judgment to decide by comparing the current offer with other available evaluation standards, such as the previous offers or their reservation offers (Schaerer, Schweinsberg, Thornley, & Swaab, 2020). The contrast principle is a valuable tool during negotiations because it can contribute to a win-win outcome. The value of the contrast principle in negotiation is that it makes an offer more reasonable to the other party if they had already rejected the first offer (Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation, 2020a). Thus, to arrive at a win-win situation, negotiators using this principle usually provide contrasting offers to their counterparts. The first few offers must be something that the other party is unlikely to accept and the final offer should be something that they find more reasonable when compared to the previous offers.
Potential Negotiating Tactics
Slade should offer Jones two offers that have a contrasting effect to ensure that she eventually agrees on an offer that is good for her and the company, hence a win-win outcome. The first negotiation tactic that Slade should use is offering an unreasonable deal which is then followed by small concessions until a reasonable offer is arrived at (Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation, 2020b). Slade should first offer Jones a three-month severance package with no other benefits or perks. This offer is likely unacceptable to Jones and she would reject the offer. Once the offer has been declined, Slade has a better chance of offering a more reasonable deal, at least in the eyes of Jones. What Jones is most interested in is keeping her job and she is likely to insist that she stay at Netflix and work on improving her performance. Slade can then counter th...
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