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The 7-Talent Mobility Management Essay Research Paper

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Articles and question attached. Feel free to add more references as needed. Article reference are chapters of Berger, L.A. and Berger, D.R. (ed). The Talent Management Handbook, 2018, (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill. Thank you.

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Talent Mobility
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Talent Mobility
Chapter 24
I think the most important idea presented in chapter 24 is ‘understanding what to assess in potential talents’. According to the authors, knowing what to assess in candidates is the first principle in talent acquisition in today’s world that is characterized by widespread social media use. While there exist social media channels such as LinkedIn that offer low-cost recruitment methods, they often attract low-quality applicants. The authors note that identifying the abilities, skills, and knowledge that predict the job performance in future is critical to acquiring the right talent. While frameworks have been developed to help leaders in identifying what to assess, organizations still find it difficult to integrate them in their selection processes. As such, I think it is important for leaders to know what to assess in candidates for the benefit of the organization.
I believe understanding what to assess in candidates puts the organization on the right path to success. It is important that the talents hired should be able to help the organization meet its current and future goals. Therefore, in order to understand what recruiters want from potential candidates, it is vital that they begin by assessing not only the job competency but the existing and future needs of the organization. With detailed information on what the organization seeks from potential employees, the selection process can focus on finding the candidates that are consistent with the organization’s situation. The recruitment should thus focus on getting the right candidates to fill job positions as well as meet the organization’s idea of success. It is for this reason that I think the most important idea presented in the chapter is ‘understanding what to assess in candidates’. If the organization knows the exact abilities, knowledge, and skills to assess in potential employees, it is better placed for success and competitiveness.
Chapter 25
I think the most important idea presented in the chapter is the need for a talent acquisition plan. According to the author, organizations that do not have a talent acquisition plan in place always reactive in their hiring process. The author also notes that organizations that succeed in talent acquisition have a plan and a strategy in place. They understand where they stand, their weakn...
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