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Human Resourses.Management.1-2 page Action Plan for the branch manager

Essay Instructions:

There are several objectives to resolving this case, but all may not be achievable. The CEO has told the CHRO that they concur that the most important goal is to protect the employee (the female salesperson). There are different options that can be identified and selected to achieve one of more of these objectives: (1) the harasser ceases their behavior, (2) the employee feels safe and is able to do their job, and (3) the client is retained.

The CHRO has asked you to develop a 1-2 page Action Plan for the branch manager that should include:

A summary of the situation and the issue (2-4 sentences)

Specific recommendations for action(s) that the branch manager should consider to resolve the situation to protect the employee and retain the customer. Be sure to explain your rationale for your recommendations ad the possible implications. A few options to consider: replace the EAL salesperson with a male salesperson; discuss the matter with the offender; discuss the matter with the president of the customer company; or other options that you choose.

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Human Resource
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My name is Julia, and I finished my MBA two years ago before joining a famous company in the country, known as ABC Companies. Initially, things went on smoothly, but later on, my co-workers began treating me badly. One of the female workers (Miss Rose) told me that the male workers of this company fear of being dominated by female managers or officers. As time passed, I faced numerous problems while working at ABC Companies, one of them was the misbehavior of male employees with female employees. The core issue was female workers wanted freedom of doing what they loved the most, but the male workers wanted them to quit on the job so that they could dominate the office according to their own rules and regulations.
I was able to solve this pr...
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