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Essay on Your Career Prospects (Public Relations Officer)

Essay Instructions:

I chose public relations officer as the subject.

You are encouraged to work on your passion – whether it be teaching, acting, music, dance or something else in the arts, even if they do not guarantee a high salary or even a regular job. Such people often support themselves with a “job” unless or until they actually get paid to follow their dream.

Given the theme of the course is “Building a Better World”, you might also consider working for moral, social, political or economic change. You might follow in the tradition of the great prophets, teachers, revolutionaries, human rights activists, union organizers – those who ended slavery and apartheid, struggled for democracy, won equal rights for women, the 8 hour work day, union recognition, medicare or fair taxation. You could help save our environment and end climate change, overcome inequality and injustice, or help us achieve economic democracy.

During the second term we will be focused on Working for a Future. This fall we heard the world's scientists say we have only 12 years to act before climate change will lead us towards irreversible disaster. Now they are saying we have only 11 years…and even the US Government agrees. We cannot chose: "It's not about jobs or the environment -- it's both -- or neither. There are no jobs on a dead planet." Given the urgency, many of us are feeling a rising sense of anxiety and a desire to act -- to intervene somehow to ensure a better future.

So we will be focusing on how we can help save our world -- whatever our occupation. We'll need everyone to pitch in -- just like all Canadians joined the war effort in 1939 when fascism threatened our democracies. We'll need economists, union leaders and business people to help convert our factories to produce electric cars, to cite one example. The youngest woman ever elected to the US Congress, 29 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is attracting huge support for a Green New Deal, a plan to eliminate US greenhouse gas emissions and create millions of jobs. Young people here in Canada are also pressuring our politicians for climate action.

Your essay should describe how you can help avert this threat -- whichever profession, career or job you pursue. AND (for bonus marks!), you should also do your best to describe how climate change will impact your particular profession. The TA's, your Librarian and I will do our best to help with your research on these questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Career Prospects as a Public Relations Officer
Career Prospects as a Public Relations Officer
The public relations industry forms one of the economic sectors with the most influence across the social, political, cultural and economic aspects of the global society. Firms or companies in the public relations industry function to promote the agenda or interests of other entities by designing campaigns to improve the latter’s relations to the public or the intended audience. Hence, a public relations officer plays a significant role in developing strategies and using them to promote the interests of an entity or endear it to the target audience. It is one of the most influential careers as it has the potential to control the opinions and preferences of the masses on a wide range of issues affecting society at both the local and international levels. The industry can alter the public’s political opinion or ideology based on its vested communication channels through which the public relations officers develop their information to suit their intent or desired reaction from the public. The desired outcome from the audience can only be achieved if the public relations firms or officers succeed in convincing the public of their distinct point of views or perspectives on the matter at hand.
Overview of the Public Relations Industry in Canada
The Canadian public relations industry is one of the country’s most competitive sectors of the economy. A majority of the companies in the industry focus on promoting the image and interests of their diverse clienteles through strategic public relations. The organizations are characteristic of qualified individuals who come with the designs for the campaigns and who work with an equally competent team to roll them out through the wide range of communication media CITATION IBI18 \l 1033 (IBISWorld). The clients’ budgetary allocations for promoting public relations by either advertisements or marketing campaigns serve as the source of revenue for the public relations industry. Successful campaigns, on the other hand, lead to positive outcomes for the clients such as profits, election victories, or even passage or vetoing of popular and unpopular bills respectively. The Canadian public relations industry accounts for the employment of over 6,000 people and almost 2,400 businesses in the highly competitive sector CITATION IBI18 \l 1033 (IBISWorld). The industry further registered a positive growth of 2.9% from the year 2013 to 2018 and generates annual revenue of approximately $775 million CITATION IBI18 \l 1033 (IBISWorld). Among the leading companies in the industry include Edelman, National, Omnicom, and Publicis Groupe sharing the market among others. The range of jobs in the public relations industry includes both senior and junior level positions as PR strategists and innovators, communication specialists, and even PR consultants for both the public and private sector organizations.
Details about the Position of a Public Relations Officer
A public relations officer’ s main objective in their area of work is to promote the image of their clients and thus maintain good public relations with the target audience. The officer focuses on creating a positive understanding between the client and the public to gain control and influence its opinion and behavior towards the client’s interests, agenda, or general image. Achieving such an outcome requires the public relations officer to use a wide range of media and available communication channels to develop and maintain th...
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