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Philosophy: The Idea Of Introspection

Essay Instructions:

We recognize the same soul over time by recognizing the same psychological properties over time.

Gretchen: Sameness of psychological properties does not require numerical identity.

Putting these considerations together:

Justification for premise #2 on Reductio: How could we recognize the same soul in another over time?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Philosophy Name: Institution: The idea of introspection was first developed by a psychologist, Wilhelm Wundt, and it refers to people’s observations and contemplation of their thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Introspection is also seen as a self-examination process where an individual perceives, analyses and reports his or her feelings. Self-reports are essential in social psychology since they aid in assessing beliefs, attitudes, and moods. Introspection has its own merits and limitations; the advantages may include; it is a cheap way through which a person can understand his or her emotions and feelings; also, it offers first-hand data which is obtained as one examines his or her activities. The disadvantages include that the mental processes are always changing and it is, therefore, difficult to discuss one's state of mind extensively; also the data collected cannot be verified, and it lacks validity and reliability. A human being is essentially comprised of essentially two things, a body and the soul and there exist a most intimate connection between the two. A body which has no soul is no longer considered to be a body. Sam argues that we are able to acknowledge the same soul over time by accepting and admitting some psychological properties. However, someone might say that an individual may not remain the same because there are different entities accommodated in the body that change over time; theme may include the matter, the soul as well as the memory and consciousness. Ideally, introspection may help an individual in comprehending why the body is occupied by a single soul over time. Self-analysis and soul searching is critical in helping someone to understand his or her psychological states. Someone may be the same person he or she was a year ago but not in the same psychological they were in then. There are different reasons why Sam admits recognizing the same soul over time. First, Sam may consider being the same person he was yesterday because he can remember him...
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