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Writing Assignment You Say Tomato

Essay Instructions:

I am a Chinese Students. So please write from the Chinese point. Also please use the basic grammar and words


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You Say Tomato
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December 10, 2018
In the world of business, being able to build trust, rapport, and other traits of positive relationship greatly matters. While this might seem simple enough, differences in terms of background could make this essential part of the business process difficult enough. One of the example of these barriers is that of culture. Different cultures have different traditions, beliefs, and ideas that what may seem straightforward for one individual might not seem that way for another. As discussed in the article written by Khosla (2001), she discussed about how these seemingly little differences could cause great rifts, that’s worth millions of dollars. Consequently, sher pointed our that understanding the differences between each one and respecting it could then benefit the business altogether, just like the example of MMM. However, while some people might think that understanding the differences between cultures is only important for million-dollar contracts, I believe that these act of respect should start from simple ones. An illustration of the experience of my American friend when they travelled to Brazil is illustrated below.
Back in 2014, an American friend of mine and his family have travelled to Brazil. They were supposed ...
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