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How Food Insecurity becomes the Main Contribution to College Drop Outs

Essay Instructions:

Evaluate Alexa Davis' "Food Insecurity on Campus: Is Your Ivy Leaguer Starving?" I hope you can use enough resources depending on the situation.

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Critique Research
Critique Research
Alexa Davis describes his point of view regarding the issue of food insecurity among college students in the article ‘’Food Insecurity on Campus: Is Your Lvy Leaguer Starving?’’ The article describes that food insecurity is the main contribution to college drop outs as students are unable to afford the needed meals during their studies (Davis, 2016). Further, I support the idea that food insecurity contributes to the large number of school dropouts as will be explained by the author’s ideas from the article.
The author argues that hunger among college students has become a serious issue and has surpassed the challenge of balanced diet. The author majors on food insecurity among the US students in the University of California and Columbia (Davis, 2016). Further, the author argues that students who experience the problem may suffer from both social and academic challenges as they experience challenges such as lack of nutrition, interrupted eating pattern, and reduced caloric intake. Moreover, the problem may affect their retention and graduation rates as they will sluggish in their studies. Therefore, the main reason why the author wrote the article is to awareness about the issue which he consider to has surpassed the problem of unbalanced diet among the college students.
Actually, the main points have been developed with supporting ideas. Ostensibly, the author gives statistical values of the size of students who are affected by the problem. Specifically, the author states that almost 49% of college students will have to choose between school expenses or food. The reason for the argument is to show that the problem of food insecurity is serious among the college students as most of them prefer choosing food to school expenses. Additionally, several students that were studied over a period of one year consistently elaborated that the issue of food insecurity is serious. The students prefer being given foods than being bought for books and being paid for tuition fees for their studies. The actual description of the issue by giving numerical values proves that a study has been done on the issue over which the researcher uses to base his arguments. Further, the article gives examples of some schools which have experienced the problem with their exact percentages. For instance, The City University of New York approximates that among its 274,000 students, 40% of them have experience food insecurity (Davis, 2016). Also, the same study was conducted on the University of California where 25% out of 150,000 students were found to have experienced the challenge of food insecurity. Moreover, several students in the nine colleges that were studied revealed the issue is a serious problem where 22% of the 4,419 students who were studied supported that they have skipped meals in schools because of financial problems. Therefore, the use of the statistical data to support the author’s points of view reveals that the issue is a real and needs concern for redress.
Further, the problem is clearly described by the author in the article as he first describes the target population of the...
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