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Chinese Education vs American Education. Essay of the writing class.

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The essay of the writing class. The format is the first paragraph intro and thesis statement and then the second paragraph example argument third paragraph example argument fourth paragraph summary

Simple and clear narrative,

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Chinese Education vs American Education
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Chinese Education vs American Education
What is the difference between Chinese Education and American Education? Which one is better?
It is often said that education is the key to success. Since time immemorial, education and success are purported to be directly related, and the former is said to lead to the latter. In countries like the U.S. and China, the focus on education is indeed profound, and there have been several studies that have focused on how the two education systems appear to have different goals. Additionally, there have been studies which have also focused on the culture of these two countries and how the differences in culture could be causing other differences in aspects like education. In this article, however, the focus is on education and how the two country’s systems of education appear to differ as well as the one that churns out the best students or should be considered the best or superior over the other.
First of all, the American education system focuses more on creativity while Chinese education focuses on knowledge accumulation (Shulman, 2018). Students from the American education system are allowed to criticize ideas and thoughts as well as challenge existing concepts. Additionally, they are also expected to create new concepts and come up with new thoughts or ideas of interpreting events. With such a goal in mind, the students grow up knowing they are not supposed to conform but to live within new principles of life. This makes it possible for them to adapt to changing principles and world. However, the Chinese education focuses more on knowledge accumulation meaning that teachers lean towards ways in which students can accumulate more knowledge. The issue is not on how this education can be applied in the real world but on how students can conti...
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