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Final Essay Writing Assignment: The Year Of The Flood

Essay Instructions:

please write an essay about the book the year of the flood which is written by Margaret Atwood. the requirement is in the pictures. the essay should include the topic sentence, thesis statement (only one and it has to be the last sentence of the first para) each paragraph needs more analysis and deep thoughts but they have to be supported by the evidence (quotes from the books). the essay requires 5pages, you should have at least 4 body paragraph that also contains 2 quotes in each of them. it should be more like an analysis instead of a first-person perspective opinion. please make the thesis statement connect to the main question.

here is the question that I have made up if you want you can use this one or create one by yourself.

What does a world driven by corrupt corporations and uncontrolled development of gene-spliced life forms look like and people dying because of the natural catastrophe or the desperation from the deep of people's heart?

please contact me when you have a question or especially the question about the structure of the essay, our teacher really care of the correct structure.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Year of the Flood
The Year of the Flood
Margaret Atwood is an avid writer and one that is multitalented at that. She is a Canadian novelist, poet, essayist, literate critic and most importantly and environmental activist. It is from these skills that comes up with one of the best-selling books, The Year of the Flood. With her metaphysical wit she is able to bring the audience a story that they can relate with and connects the same with the current society relative to issues surrounding the environment. In the Year of the Flood the element of the corrupt corporations is vividly brought out and more importantly with reference to the suffering that it brings to the people. Corporations are over exploiting the environment while manipulating genetic codes to create bizarre creatures. When they are not doing either of these they are creating catastrophes. The Year of the Flood is filled with gripping survival of the characters as they trend a world that filled with monsters that are manmade at the hands of exploitative and greedy corporations.
The Year of the Flood paints a picture of the greedy corporations and the impact that they have on the people on the ground. They are constantly exploiting the people and this causes suffering and eventually death in masses. The Year of the Flood describes a catastrophic event that wipes out much of the human race, animals along with the plants. Only a few of the humans remain including Ren and Toby. They are wiped out by what is referred to as the dry flood, which apart from causing people to cough there is not much else that the readers have to go on. It is a catastrophe that is caused by the humans and one that ends up wiping the entire generations leaving behind Ren and Toby. This is an amplification of the situation that starts out as greed on the streets and then ends up in the board rooms were corporations cause the ripple tides across the planet.
To better understand the concept of the struggles that they are illuminated in the Year of the Flood, it is important to consider the main factions namely the gardeners and the corporations. The latter are not the normal corporations as would be seen today with some level of restraint or lack thereof in some of the cases. In the Year of the Flood, these are corporations that are not surreptitious, as they are largely uncontrolled. The Year of the Flood cleverly does not include the control of the governments and the corporations as such are largely unregulated. The only control that is vividly explained is that of the CorpSeCorps. These are not the police or the armed forces, rather they are the security arm of the corporations. It is important to note that these are security arms that are in total control of the capitalist ventures. There other faction of gardeners includes a group of people that have ventures to protect the environment by practicing friendly farming methods on the rooftops. With the leader Adam, these are considered a cult as they are opposed to the corporation’s approaches of defiling the natural systems even in food production.
Ideally the corporation has kept the people in a state of unrest while exploiting them and the environment. Using intimidation tactics, they do not want people to revolt. As such they hold them in a state of hostage while they use them. In the mean time they are constantly destroying the environment and the natural ecosystem thereby creating ecological imbalances. More importantly they are involved in the genetic manipulation to produce rakunks, rational pigs that are rational and even what they call the green rabbits. There are also other inventions that are formed through genetic manipulation such as the cross between a lion and a lamb which is then referred to as the liobam. Ironically this is a creature that is formed by a group that was tired of waiting for a lion to lie down with lamb and give rise to offspring. They thus create the genetic animal which is characterize...
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