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Restructuring the Education System to Create Job Creators Rather than Job Seekers

Essay Instructions:

Read carefully the requirements for this paper, chief of which are:

the P/S is a solution driven paper,meaning the bulk of your paper discusses the steps or outcomes of your recommended solution

the Introduction section (no more than one page) describes the problem giving context, statistics, effects of the problem, etc

the Introduction ends with an explicitly worded FTS (forecasting thesis statement--see folder on this)

your four sources must be cited at least once throughout the paper; each cited source needs an APA in text citation that corresponds exactly with the end Reference

the entire P/S paper should be framed through a third person POV--no first or second person perspectives/asides

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Restructuring the Education System to Create Job Creators Rather than Job Seekers
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Restructuring the Education System to Create Job Creators Rather than Job Seekers
The education system has largely been pegged on industrial age job market needs. The model has been successful especially in the past centuries but times have changed and the world has entered the information age. Thus, most of the industrial approaches to education are ineffective and irrelevant to the modern society. Industrial age job market prompted training students to get ‘well-paying’ jobs and that approach necessitated pedagogical processes that aimed at preparing learners for employment. Most education systems around the world overlooked the learner’s talents, abilities, interests and creativity and limit them to rote learning for specific jobs. This pedagogical process over-emphasized on white collar jobs, and it has creating a vacuum in blue collar jobs though some experts claim they will be automated in the near future. However, in the information age, the nature of the job market has become dynamic, and it has become less dependent on the industrially-modelled education system. The notion that learners ought to be prepared for specific jobs has created academic inflation, and the academic bar keeps going up for students to clear to land better chances of landing a good job CITATION Kro17 \l 1033 (Kromydas, 2017). In order to restructure the education system to produce job creators rather than job seekers, pedagogical processes of learning should be aligned with the unique needs of the learner such that they cultivate creativity, have subjects’ equity and identify and nurture each learner’s talents.
To avoid the current problems and issues that have been created by the existent education system, it needs to be restructured to equally recognize art subjects. STEM subjects have been overly emphasized, facilitated and continually improved in their pedagogical approach at the expense of art subjects. To address this problem, all subjects should be accorded the same value on the job market and students should be encouraged to pursue their interest irrespective of its perceived ranking. This strategy can be implemented by properly facilitating arts subjects and emphasizing their importance. Students who gravitate to arts willingly usually do so to follow their passion and they find their niche sooner. Such students go on to become entrepreneurs in the art-based subjects and create employment for others. Since they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs, they find ways to grow their startups CITATION Lüt03 \l 1033 (Lüthje & Franke, 2003). Thus, restructuring the education system to give equal recognition and facilitation of learning art subjects whilst encouraging them to tap into their creativity can help create more job creators than job seekers.
Additionally, it is crucial to note that the current education model overrides talents and individual interests and forces them to study for subjects they are not interested in CITATION Nab10 \l 1033 (Nabi, Holden, & Walmsley, 2010). They find their work uninteresting and do it for the paycheckCITATION Lüt03 \l 1033 (Lüthje & Franke, 2003). Nurturing talents can help students become economically independent. There are many athletes and talented artists such as magicians and musicians and professionals who earn good salaries by doing their talents. There are many industries modelled on talents such as sports, acting, music etc. The education system should be structured to support all these fields. I.e., for music, students who are interested can be taught the subject and it has to be accorded the same value just as the other subjects. In sports, the schools can expand sporting budgets to accord students interested in sports the best coaches and facilities to pursue their dreams. In acting and other artistic talents such as drawing, students can be coached and exposed in the industry to gain experience and help them find their niche to stand better chances of breakthrough. The education system has to be best suited to nurture individual talents and interests to create jobs to absorb those who may not be successful in their ventures.
Furthermore, the current education system focuses more on turning students into job-seekers and thus gradually kills their creative spirit. In his famous Ted talk, Sir Ken Robinson said: “My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we ...
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