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Journal - Suburban Lifestyle. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment provides you an opportunity to explore the components of re-developing suburban life known as 'retrofitting' and evaluate how social environments frame human interaction.


Watch the video, Retrofitting the Suburbs [Duration 19:23]. As you watch the video, make note of concepts such as:


suburbanites lifestyles

rising gas prices

cost of housing and transportation

'commercial strips'

how demographics have changed in the last 30 years for the suburbs

underused parking lots

third places


You will now have knowledge of what it means to retrofit the suburbs.

Now that you have viewed the video lecture, "Retrofitting the Suburbs," write a journal entry in which you discuss at least four of the terms listed in the video assignment. I would like for you to include in your journal your own observations and experiences of either living in or going to the suburbs. How is life different in the suburbs than inside a major city like Washington, D.C.?

Submission: Submit your journal entry by clicking the link above the title of the assignment.

The video is on youtube Retrofitting the suburbs By ELLEN DUNHAM- JONES

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal – Suburban Lifestyle
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Subject and Section
October 14, 2018
Basically, retrofitting is the process (or trend) of utilizing the least sustainable places in the suburban area and converting them into more sustainable places. This trend, while adopted by many, has yet to achieve its efficiency since most of the communities these days still opt to expand ‘horizontally,’ rather than ‘vertically.’ In the video discussion of Dunham-Jones (2010), she noted the different reasons and benefits that could be reaped from retrofitting. One of them is the difference of the average carbon footprint by an urban dweller and a suburban one. Specifically, it was found out that suburbanites leave a higher carbon footprint due to underutilization of spaces (e.g., walls and parking lots) as well as rising cost of transportation due to the distance between places. Another reason why retrofitting is a good idea, is because of the evidence in demographic change over the decades. By 2025, it is estimated that &ld...
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