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Assignment 2 Submission: Persuasive Essay. Hacking Back

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Hacking Back
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The world is changing to a system controlled by computers. However, not all organizations have incorporated the use of computers in all the sectors. For those that use computers to run their activities, they face the challenge of being hacked into. Therefore, in the case of a cyber-attack, organizations are faced with the challenge of what to do next. Even though some organizations might consider hacking back as the best solution, I believe that it is not the right solution to cyber-attacks and there are other solutions. Among such solutions for dealing with cyber-attacks are the creation of strong password policies and the destruction of the hacked data. In addition, hacking back does not only promote the recovery of the stolen information but results in more problems to the organization as compared to the situation whereby the organization had not been hacked into.
Hacking back creates endless battles between the hacker and the organization being hacked hence risking the loss of more data. Also, it creates the possibility of the hacker exposing the data that they had already hacked and, this can have negative impacts on the reputation of the company. For instance, the data might have been very crucial to some of the clients and, hence, the hackers can decide to blackmail them. Before a client trusts to keep their data with a certain company, they are assured that the data will not be accessible by a third party and therefore, they do not expect the organization to lose. Hence, the organization should not hack back since this can result in their clients finding out that their data has been leaked. The outcome is that most of the clients will withdraw their services out of that organization. Therefore, it is not good to hack back. In addition, the hackers have a lot of time to spent on speculating the manner in which they will steal an organization's data. Therefore, hacking back would not prevent them from their actions and, instead, they will keep on hacking the organization again. This means that the organization will have created an endless battle between them and the hackers. In most cases, the hackers are IT specialists and, do not require to hire anyone to do the hacking for them. Hence, it is an easy and cheap process. On the other hand, the organization might require to hire IT specialists every time they plan to hack back. This turns out to be costly and therefore, disputing the idea of hacking back. The money can be used to do better things that ensure the achievement of the organizational data.
The creation of strong passwords reduces the chances of a company being hacked into. Companies should ensure that the Information and Technology team is up to date with the current system requirements. This enables the workers to change their passwords regularly. As well, the password policy should prevent the employees from using a password that they have used before this stands the hackers a better chance of guessing the password. Also, there are obvious passwords that cannot be used such as a personal identity card number or their mobile phone number. Most people choose these as their passwords and, therefore, they can easily be guessed by anyone hence allowing a third party to access the organization's data. The IT team should ensure that they have clear login records for all the employees so that they can be able to detect any suspicious activity and act on time. Employees should also be given strict rules regarding the use of their login details. Among them is ensuring that they always log out of a device once they have finished doing a specific activity. This does not only prevent hacking but also ensures that other employees do not use another person's login details to carry out malicious activities. ...
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