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Writing Assignment (Front Desk Manager- Dental Office)

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment (Front desk manager- Dental office)

Based on an organization you know and/or worked at, describe how your work performance has been impacted by the factors described in this unit - perceptions, emotions, or attitudes.

For each factor:

o Define

o Describe how the factor or concept impacted you and your work performance

o Indicate how the factor impacted the organization through your behavior or work performance

o Describe how the factors and concepts you selected worked with each other or other factors to influence your thoughts and/or actions

Make sure to follow these requirements:

- This paper must be between 2 and 4 pages in length

- You should cite a minimum of 3 sources

- The following sources should not be used: Wikipedia (or any Wiki), UK Essays, Business Dictionary, Study.com, Non-professional Blogs - or anything similar to these.

- APA formatting should be used at all times including in text citations and references.

- Formatting should be as follows: Cover page, running head, 12 point font, Times New Roman Font, 1" margins

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Several factors impact a person's work performance. Among the factors are perception, emotions, and attitude. Perception refers to the ability to hear, see or become aware of something. It is the way something is regarded, interpreted, and understood. Emotions are strong feelings emanating from one's circumstances, relationships, and moods with others. They are instinctive or intuitive feelings different from knowledge and reasoning. Lastly, attitude is a settled way of feeling or thinking about something. These three factors have helped me in my work as a front desk manager in a dental care office.
Perception has helped me perform well in my position as the front desk manager. Work and the social setting have been my greatest influencers to the perception I hold of my work. The staff is social from the top down to the cleaning staff. The senior dentists and other leaders often check on the employees once a day by going around their designated job locations and asking how they are doing. I have been the greatest beneficiary of their visits because I am the first person they meet while reporting for work and the last when they leave work. Routine checks and social settings at work increased my perception of the work (Ullah et al., 2017). I always felt that I was part of the company and not a mere employee. In turn, I always did my best to offer the best quality services.
Emotions also helped me in my work. My relationship with other employees in the dental facility was always good. I was corrected politely whenever I made a mistake. Also, whenever I had a suggestion about the work operations, the administration always listened and considered the request or turn it down politely. This workplace relationship ensured that my emotions and moods were always positive (Ashkanasy & Dorris, 2017). It helped me serve our customers with a jovial mood, making them rate our services positively. Additionally, the excellent workplace relationship ensured that I was always on good terms with my fellow staff and clients, which is suitable for healthy work performance.
Attitude is related to emotions and perception because a positive perception and a good mood lead to a positive attitude. For example, I developed a positive attitude towards my work and colleagues due to the office's excellent treatment. People develop a good attitude about something whenever they get favorable treatment (Gaidhani et al., 2019). In the same way, I gained and maintained a positive attitude towards my job as the front desk manager in the denta...
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