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Discrimination, Racism, and Gender Inequality

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Your Assignment 3, 1300words, to be submitted end of Week 6, will be a critical discussion based on your reading of any three of the following four stories:

1. Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums

2, The Circuit (available on the course page)

3. The Robert Acuna story

4. The Terry Mason story.

The Circuit: https://www(dot)swl(dot)k12(dot)oh(dot)us/Downloads/the%20circuit.pdf

1. Roberto Acuna, Farm Worker (full story, pp. 30-38) and Terry Mason, A Pecking Order, Airline Stewardess (pp. 72-82) from this easy link:


2. Robert Acuna story--a summary by Neomi Castro


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Discrimination is a rather broad word since it connects to the different perceptions of people towards the majority of ideals in society. That despite not having a specific and general definition, it can be perceived as actions that are wrong in specific situations as it depends on it. This means that discriminative actions in the vast society that people are residing in, the common grounds of it are the wrong decisions and actions that put harm, either physical or emotional, to others. This paper will provide the different kinds of discrimination, that are present in the three selected readings such as The Circuit, The Chrysanthemums, and The Robert Acuna Story, and its few given effects reconstructed in the readings.
The Circuit started the story about the hardships that Francisco with his family, the Jimenez family, faced together. It started when the whole family of Jimenez migrated to California from Mexico with the dream of having a better life. Even before that better life occurs, since they were immigrants, they had to always move from place to place which led Francisco to be concerned about his learning environment. But despite those circumstances, Francisco was eager in learning things he could learn in school. Unfortunately, the story ended with him being founded by Immigration without knowing his family’s situation.
The story was meaningful and motivational since it captures and triggers its readers to learn despite the challenges they face. Although, discrimination can also be seen as the story unfolds from the start to finish. Stone & Han (2005) stated in their study that Mexican students struggle to cope up in school, especially in building relationships with their classmates and teachers. It was also indicated that large numbers of Latin students who are mostly composed of Mexican students are dropping out of school. Since they are immigrants and are from different cultures, as they could not fastly adjust to their surroundings, their surroundings could also feel the same. Just like Francisco who is struggling to communicate with his environment but eventually met a proper teacher that led him to learn more properly than before. According to Cohen & Chavez (2013), this discrimination leads them to think that they do not belong to that place and are illegally residing in it. They would also be endlessly be reminded that they are dangerous for those non-immigrant individuals which is a very heartbreaking opinion of people.
Gender Inequality
The story titled The Chrysanthemums revolves around one married couple named Elisa and Henry who had two different perspectives about the world but still are concerned with one another. The story unfolds as Elisa met a tinker, who repairs pots and pans, during the day after her husband left home. They started to had a small conversation up to the point that the tinker asked Elise to show her how to plant chrysanthemums as one of the tinker’s customers wanted to learn. Happily, Elise obliged and presented him a pot of chrysanthemums that the customer could use for a start. In the end, Elise found the chrysanthemum on the road while the pot was brought by the tinker.
It was a simple but very interesting story as it holds various concepts that could be called on for. This section will focus on the discrimination present in the story, specifically gender discrimination, and how was it perceived in it. According to Shastri (2014), in the general perspective between men and women, gender discrimination tends to bend on the lives of women as they are perceived as weak and inferior in this so-called male-dominated society. Just like in the story, Elise can be perceived as a woman who has intelligence and ambition since it was clear in the beginning that she was well-versed in terms of Chrysanthemums but despite that characteristic, it was evident that she was still discriminated against even in the simplest actions. One obvious example would be how Henry talks about the ranch between the...
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