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World Englishes Worksheet 5.1

Essay Instructions:
I need to answer the questions according to the articles + Answer the following questions based on your reading of Karmani's article. Use complete sentences. 1. What is the “much-forgotten battle” that is being fought in Karmani's view? 2. According to Karmani, what are some of the pressures that Muslim governments faced regarding educational policy after 9/11? 3. What is the big shift that happened with regard to the content of the curriculums? 4. What does the author think of the way this shift is presented in Western media? 5. What was the education policy supported by the US government in Afghanistan during the Soviet era? 6. Why does the author bring up this example? 7. What is meant by “reductive associations” in the second paragraph of page 264, line 13? 8. Give an example of one of the questions that the author asks in his conclusion and how you as a future English language teacher would answer that question? Answer the following questions in light of your reading of Yaghan's article. Use complete sentences. 1. What is Arabizi? 2. Do you use Arabizi in your own communications? What is your opinion about it? 3. Explain what the author means when he says in the top paragraph of page 41 that: “….the total number of glyphs [….] exceed[s] three hundred. This constituted a typographical problem, with regard to typesetting and font diversity, that was a common characteristic of traditional Arabic pre-computer type. Accordingly, there were many calls to divert to the Latin characters.” 4. What did Wilhem Spitta suggestion in book in 1880? 5. Who are Abdul Aziz Fahmi, Said Aquil, and Anis Freha? (The answer to this question might require you to do a quick search on the net). 6. Give three examples of how Arabizi is used. 7. Cite three reasons why Arab students use Arabizi. 8. What are some of the other fields that the author mentions where Arabizi is used? 9. Why does the author suggest that Arabizi could have an Arabic look? 10. What was the project of the design students at the University of Petra in Jordan? 11. What does the author suggest in his conclusion on page 52?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

English Assignment
Answer the following questions based on your reading of Karmani’s article. Use complete sentences.
What is the “much-forgotten battle” that is being fought in Karmani’s view?
The much forgotten battle is the battle between the use of ‘English and Islam’ languages.
According to Karmani, what are some of the pressures that Muslim governments faced regarding educational policy after 9/11?
After 9/11 terrorist attack, the Muslim governments faced pressures of reforming their educational systems since it was believed that it was responsible for motivating terrorist attacks.
What is the big shift that happened with regard to the content of the curriculums?
The big shift in the content of the curriculums is the proposal of teaching more English than Islam. For instance, the US marines were reported to have been offering English classes to Afghan children.
What does the author think of the way this shift is presented in Western media?
The author thinks that the western media is portraying the shift in a way that Islam language is not worth teaching, and that the English language will soon dominate in the Muslim countries.
What was the education policy supported by the US government in Afghanistan during the Soviet era?
The education policy was to produce an entire generation of jihadist warriors that would participate in the Afghan jihad against the Russian ‘infidels’. In other words, it was referred to as the war against communism.
Why does the author bring up this example?
The author intents to explain how adoption of English over Islam, would be a complete reversal of the language policy.
What is meant by “reductive associations” in the second paragraph of page 264, line 13?
This is used to mean all those associations that are for the idea that national languages directly and wholly represent the minds of their users and in so doing inescapably limit the possibilities of transcending a pre-determined static view of the world.
Give an example of one of the questions that the author asks in his conclusion and how you as a future English language teacher would answer that question?
How might we exonerate or at least mitigate our role as de-Islamizing agents on the linguistic front between ‘Islam and English’? This is one of the questions asked by the author. As future English language teacher my response would be that English language instills democratic values, and can usher in a more secure and just world.
Answer the following questions in light of your reading of Yaghan’s article. Use complete sentences.
What is Arabizi?
This is a slang term used to describe a system of writing Arabic words using English characters. The term is derived from two words “arabi” (Arabic), and “engliszi” (English).
Do you use Arabizi in your own communications? What is your opinion about it?
Yes. My opinion is that Arabizi is good and it should be...
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