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Visit to the Mosque and Muslim Religion

Essay Instructions:
Students will make a visits to sites that represent worldviews different than their own. These must be real places of assembly or worship, not web sites. A paper is required for each visit, describing the site in terms of the dimensions of religious worldviews. This assignment is designed to help students gain a diversity of experience and insight into how different faith traditions compare with each other. Site Visit ( Mosque).The site visit should take up the relations among the doctrinal, ethical, and social dimensions of the worldview of this religion. Is there evidence of the role of doctrine and ethics in establishing an organized group of believers? If so, what is it? If not, are there other settings where members learn the doctrines and ethics of the faith? Again, compare and contrast the doctrine, ethics, and social dimensions of this faith ( Muslim) with your own religious(Christian) background. How are they similar and how are they different? Please let most of your information comes from BELIEFS AND BELIEVERS BY JOHN K. SIMMONS median course study guide third edition.
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Visit to the Mosque and Muslim Religion
Visit to the Mosque and Muslim Religion
This paper seeks to explore the rich diversity of religious practices worldwide. A visit to the mosque reveals how, with respect to doctrinal, social and ethical dimensions, the Muslim religion is viewed and how it`s compared and contrasted with the Christianity.
Doctrinal Dimension
There is a clear evidence of what the Muslim religion believes in and so it defines their doctrine. The foundational belief of Islam is elegantly expressed in their declaration of faith- that in referred to as the Shahada. The moment a person enters the fold of this religion, he or she declares that no deity is worthy of worship except God and that Muhammad is His final and last messenger. The Islamic religion advocates that if this belief is honestly held by a person, then there is a promise of from God of salvation in the afterlife.
There are five basic doctrine of the Muslim religion; there is faith in compete unity of God. Muslims are also referred to as muwahhidun with means upholders of divine unity. Twahid in Muslim religion refers to making God one and therefore there is a refusal by the Muslim faithful to compromise this position. This is the strict and strong belief of monotheism. They believe Allah (God) is the only creator and therefore the disposer of universe. Allah has neither comparable being nor partner and so nobody but except Allah is to be worshiped. According to this doctrine, shirk which is actually accepting there is another God worth of worship, is the biggest sin which God cannot afford to pardon Muslims. Committing shirk is denying Allah His true nature. Associating anything with Allah is viewed as the opposite of surrendering to God hence no belief would be in place.
The second doctrine is the belief in Angels who are part of the creation of God. The Angels are of no sex and they are made of light as opposed to humans who are made of clay and are of either sex. The angels are considered to be good and only Satan who was thrown out of heaven after refusing bowing down to Adam. Angels have numerous functions in regard to soul and spirit of human which include carrying messages to prophets, revelations, orders, preaching the good and the true. Despite the angels working as the messengers and God`s helpers, they are not superior to humans according to this religion. Angels posses no free will. They are also absolutely obedient to the commands of God. They have no capacity to truly know Allah as humans do since they do not have central state. However, the religion also recognizes another sort of supernatural creature called the Jinn which can be differentiated in many ways from the angels. The jinn are lower than angels and are made from fire. Jinn posses sex, their life span is limited and is either wicked or virtuous.
Thirdly, the Muslim religion has a belief in the prophets. They believe Muhammad was actually the last prophet in the long list of prophets who were charged with the duty of bringing their people the scripture. The prophets were either categorized as nabis or rasuls. Besides the belief in prophet-hood of Muhammad, Islam advocates for belief in all the Jewish and Christian Prophets, including Isaac, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, and Jesus. Islam belief is that these Prophets had one universal message- pure monotheism, a belief in only one God.
The forth doctrine is the belief in scriptures. The Quran is considered to be the literal and eternal word of God. Believing in the words of Allah actually believes in the prophets and the angels since they are the medium in which the word of God is passed on. Quran is the pure word of God that has not been subjected to tempering as other scriptures. The Quran was shown and presented to Muhammad in Arabic language. It was also placed in logical order dictated by divine revelation.
Lastly, is the Muslim belief in final judgment? This belief is often emphasized in Islam. The Muslim faithful are made to believe in a reward of internal life for the faithful and a punishment of internal death for the unfaithful. The final judgment is based on final moral accountability and responsibility for every believer of Muslim religion. Salvation is promised to believers who demonstrated work and faith as well as repentant sinners. However, the day of the final judgment remains unknown to everyone in the Muslim fraternity but only known to Allah. The garden of Paradise, where believers will finally live, is Quran as heaven full of peace, gorgeous gardens, flowing rivers and shining streams. It`s full of life a...
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