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Working with Individuals

Essay Instructions:
Research Paper: The purpose of the research paper is to provide you with the opportunity to explore theories of helping and develop your own theoretical orientation and approach. The research paper must be submitted in APA format, including a title page, abstract, the body of the paper and references. The body of the paper should be 8-10 pages in length. Body: You must incorporate the four headings and topical areas to organize the body of the paper (see listing below). In each section, you must communicate your points and support them with your research. 1. Discussion of two preferred theories: The first section of the paper is a discussion of two preferred theories covered in the textbook, demonstrating your critical thinking about the theories. ****(PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY & BEHAVIORAL THEORY) 2. Further exploration of theoretical concepts of one preferred theory: The second section is a deeper exploration of concepts inherent in one of the two preferred theories that were discussed in the first section of the paper.***(EGO PSYCHOLOGY) 3. Microskills and techniques expected to be effective with this theory: The third section is a discussion of strategies and techniques included in this theory, as well as other microskills that relate to use of the theory in practice. 4. Summary of theoretical perspective: The paper will conclude with a summary section, including a rationale explaining why the preferred theories were appealing, as well as discussion of the possible limitations in practice that might occur if it were limited just to the two theories covered in the paper. Reference material: Three professional references (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles or books) will be cited, including one primary source reference written by an original theorist (e.g., Rogers, Perls, Freud, Ellis). The textbook for this course is acceptable as a supporting reference. Textbooks used outside this course are not acceptable as professional references, and you will not receive credit for using them. You must cite every source listed on the reference page to receive full credit for their research. Wikipedia is not an acceptable college-level reference. You will not receive credit for citing Wikipedia, dictionaries or encyclopedias as references. NOTE: The paper must be organized according to these required sections and headings. Substantial point deductions will result if the paper is not organized as required and if the headings are not included as indicated. For more grading criteria, please see the Grading Rubric section of this syllabus. BOOK- Okun, B and Kantrowitz, R. (2009). Effective helping: interviewing and counseling techniques. Belomont:Thomson Brooks/Cole. ISBN-13:978-1-4240-6509-7.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Working with Individuals
Counseling and therapy draws its way back to late in the 19th century and proper development which reportedly started in the early years of the 20th century. Research indicates clearly that "most of today`s psychotherapists and counselors, trace their roots humbly back to the father of therapy and counseling Sigmund Freud" (Mulhauser). Research shows that it is Mr. Freud who first discovered this art of counseling and therapy in Vienna in the late 19th century and precisely in the 1880s was a trained neurologist and he started his therapy by first developing his own queer way of analyzing hysterical patients through a means of analysis he called psychoanalysis. This paper is therefore a critical analysis of the field of counseling and the theories involved in counseling and therapy. One theory after a clear overview presentation of both will be preferred over the other and a more critical analysis into it will ensue.
Psychodynamic Theory
Psychodynamic theory also known as psychoanalysis is one of the major theories of counseling and diversity which was pioneered by psychologist Sigmund Freud. Psychodynamic theory of counseling is reportedly based on a number of key analytical concepts and factors as indicated by research. According to extensive research, it is revealed that the main basis of psychodynamic theory is that behavioral activities of human beings, are shaped by their very own conscious and unconscious influence there hence this form of psychological treatment is classically involved in treatment of unresolved conflict in early life as might perchance be found in non psychotic and personality disorders.
As research indicates, some of the key analytical elements of psychotherapy include ideas largely shared by the pioneer psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, they are; "psychosexual development idea of Freud, defense mechanism, the aspect of free association as a method of recall and the therapeutic techniques of interpretation with inclusion of that of transference, defense and dream" (Psychodynamic Theory). Much as psychotherapy is much like psychoanalysis, experts in this field are quick to correct that they mare not one and the same things although the differences and contrast is minimal. In most cases the contrast manifest during the administration of treatment, in psychotherapy, we find out that treatment sessions are not that often as in psychoanalysis where in real instances a daily treatment session is advocated for. In psychotherapy, there is once a week face to face meeting of the client and the psychotherapist usually about an hour of meeting. Research indicates that there is much contrast in the way of treatment here because in this case, the psychotherapist talks a lot as opposed to silence in psychoanalysis. Treatment in psychodynamic counseling has a minimum of three months to around two years and experts in this field have twofold long term goals which are to ensure clients are relieved of their wild symptoms and to ensure that their clients achieve a personality change.
Behavioral Theory
Behavioral theory is also another widely used theory in psychology. According to research, behavioral theory also known as behaviorism is a way and theory of learning based upon the sole central idea that "all behaviors are acquired through conditioning" (Cherry). During the early half of the twentieth century, research shows that behavioral theory dominated research all over the field and the theory was widely mused and advocated for by psychotherapists like J. B. Watson.
In the behavioral theory we have some other sub theories like the cognitive behavioral theory, this theory is reportedly focused widely on internal states such as motivation, problem solving, decision making, thinking and attention. Up to now, arguments around behavioral theory are widely used in modern research in psychological matters and the popularity of behavioral therapy is still evident all through.
Behavioral therapy is widely justified by the experiments of early therapists by the name Pavlov; derivations from this experiment still offer a concrete background to behavioral therapy. In his quest, the scientist sort to justify the claim that behaviors in animals are learned by conditioning. He used his dogs as experiments and set out the experiment as this; anytime he was about to feed his dogs, he fast rung a bell and then gave them their piece of food. He did this cycle repeatedly to a point where, whenever time was around the corner for the dogs to feed and he rung the bell, the dogs started salivating. This simple experiment confirms that behavioral therapy indeed works out almost perfectly. Behaviors in animals are acquired through conditioning. Behavioral therapy is emphasized because as is a fact, it tends to focus on skills that when acquired through conditioning, will be handy in the near future. Cognitive behavioral therapies are in emphasis of the ability of people to make changes in their lives without having to understand why the changes occur, in cost lines, therapeutic techniques of behavioral therapy are far much cheaper as compared to those of psychotherapy because they take a shorter term period to materialize.
Concepts of Psychodynamic Theory
Psychodynamic theory is a wide theory and therefore has a number of very key concepts which are a compulsory at any point of its execution. According to research, psychodynamic therapy is in most cases effectively used to treat depressed patients and as already said, it widely focuses on resolving conflicting feelings within the patient, until the symptoms have largely shown improvement, it is reported that this therapy entails maximum reserved characteristics.
In psychodynamic counseling, more emphasis is again place on the possible influence of the clients past life experience on the development of his/her would be current behavior and this reportedly is mediated in part through unconscious processes. Research reveals that the object of relations theory largely influences psychodynamic counseling theory and the main part of relations theory in direct influence to psychodynamic theory is the idea that previous relationships in a person`s life leave lasting trajectories which have the potential of affecting self esteem and may result into maladaptive behavioral patterns. Psychodynamic therapy involves the patient speaking out his mind while the therapist endeavors to make interpretation about the patients words and behavior, it is paramount to note that in most cases of psychodynamic therapy, the therapist deals with the patient as opposed to other psychological healing processes where the therapists deals with the client.
As is known, psychodynamic therapy is doctor Sigmund Freud`s own architectural work there hence resear...
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