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English Composition Assignment Paper: William Dean Howell

Essay Instructions:

using the theory(Archetypal/Myth Literary Criticism). to construct an analysis of one (1) of the war-related short stories you read for this module (Howell, William Dean "Editha." From Between the Dark and the Daylight).

Basically, you will use the language of your applicable literary theory as a tool to illustrate some specific insight into your selected story.

Illustrate in writing your essay your ability to synthesize literary theory into analysis of a story.

When you have completed your re-reading of your selected story and decided which literary theory to apply, analyzing your selected story( to illustrate the critical theory you find most helpful to understanding the chosen fiction.

You should make sure to highlight the theory's main points in your first paragraph and show how that theory relates to your selected story.

Do not summarize the short story, but, rather, focus on how the theory you choose to work with helps explain one of the story's themes.

EXAMPLES: Explain how your selected story reflects/illustrates:

the archetype of the stoic nurse/soldier and to what end/meaning.

how a story reveals a state of mind, and to what end/meaning. (psychoanalysis).

how a story (A) implies a reader or (B) engages in a transaction with YOU as reader, discussing what experiences you bring to your illustration of what you feel the story reveals to you and analyzing how the text produces a response in you as a reader, i.e. makes meaning (Reader-Response).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

English Composition
English Composition
During the twenty-first century, several wars were fought, and the devastating effects of these wars included psychological trauma among soldiers who returned after the war. The most horrific experience was the fact that many people died that left horrific memories among those who survived (Nisbet, 2017). Few kinds of literature have actualized the situation throughout the era, one of them being William Dean Howell. In his story Editha, he presents war as a dehumanizing and a traumatic act, which is completely different from the glory and honor, associated with war (Nisbet, 2017).
In William Dean Howell story, Editha is the main character whom, according to the author, is unusual because she pushes her lover George to fight in the Spanish American war just for glory (Arvin, 2015). In the story, Howell brought an anti-war message about the dangers of war and ridiculed American government of having foolish ideas about going to war in the first place (Arvin, 2015). William Dean uses the naturalistic theory of literary in his story Editha. In naturalistic literary , the stories portray characters as unconscious of what propels them to their course of action (Hutchison, 2015). Naturalistic also explains why the characters end up in the situation created at the end of the story. Howell dissects sexuality and how sexuality affects courtship and marriage (Hutchison, 2015).
Howell present Editha as unusual because of her ideas about duty and war that spring not from her knowledge of historical and political facts but her romantic desires (Arvin, 2015). Editha romantic ideas about war and yearning to marry a war hero are what make her believe in war. When her plans do not go through, she still does not recognize the fact that she ...
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