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The Diary of a Smoker: Negative Images of Smoking

Essay Instructions:

, seek out a current smoker's views on the negative images of smoking promoted in public service announcements, the exclusion of smoking from public places, and the depiction of smokers as addicts. Ask if they feel that anti-smoking advertising is effective, and why or why not. In a 1200-word report, summarize your findings and offer your own interpretations. In both interviews, be respectful of the autonomy and dignity of the smoker and take care to avoid any judgmental tone. Be sure to observe the ethical principles involved in writing about a living informant (“When conducting ethnographic research, […] be sure to safeguard your informant's rights, interests and sensitivities. Communicate the aims of the interview as well as possible to the informant. Your informant should have the right to remain anonymous and speak ‘off record.' There should be no exploitation of informants for personal gain. Finally, [offer to] make your final paper available to your informant.” http://bit(dot)ly/2b9YSto) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Diary of a Smoker
Smoking only refers to the act of burning a substance and allowing the smoke produced by the particular material to be absorbed into the bloodstream of that specific individual. The most commonly smoked element is cigarette which is made up of dried leaves from the Tobacco plant. Tobacco smoking is one of the desired forms of tobacco attracting more than one billion people in the whole world. Smoking does more harm than good to the body as the smoke inhaled into the body interferes with the normal functioning of some of the physiological processes such as respiration. Research shows that half of the people who smoke Tobacco die as a result of smoking-related diseases.
In addition to all the diseases caused by Tobacco smoking, it is also a leading cause of cancer in all parts of the body. It is also said that if the number of people who smoked in the United States reduced, one from every three cancer-related deaths would be a thing of the past. Men who smoke a lot are likely to have a low sperm count which reduces fertility. For women, on the other hand, it reduces their chances of getting pregnant to a more significant extent. Although smoking is very harmful to the body of a human being the public service announcements should use messages which are confident as the way of eradicating the problem because the negative words do little to improve the situation.
The Opinion of a Current smoker on the Negative Images of Smoking as promoted by the Public Service Announcements
From the interview, the smoker in this particular case has been smoking for over ten years and can comfortably take in any brand of cigarette. He started indulging in smoking during his high school days after he decided to try out what most of his friends had been doing in a long time. After several attempts, the young man at the time got used to the habit, and that’s how he becomes an addict. “Smoking for me is one of the most difficult habits to quit as it contains nicotine one of the highly addictive drugs” he confesses. He went further ahead and said “When I completed my studies I was on a mission to quit the addictive habit but it only lasted for weeks and I felt that I could not do without the drug. After failing on the first attempt to quit smoking, I did not give up as during my seven years I went to see a counselor who assisted me to quit the addictive habit. The counseling sessions were of great help as I was able to quit smoking for almost a year, but unfortunately, I went back to the habit after I lost my job and that discouraged me from trying to quit again.”
For long the Public Service Announcement has been putting antismoking announcements on various platforms, and they are largely viewed and uploaded. It is, however, important to note that very negative antismoking messages do little in improving the situation at least according to the smoker. The use of threatening and disturbing images can lead to unpleasant reactions from the smokers. “After watching a threatening and a startl...
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