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Why People Should Use Condoms

Essay Instructions:

Create a persuasion way to encourage people using condom and explain why the methods you use can be successful depends on the lecture theory. Full requirement can be found in files attached.

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Why People Should Use Condoms Author Name Institution Affiliation Sexually transmitted diseases, also known as sexually transmitted infections, STDs or STIs, are the diseases that are developed due to unprotected sex. It is a common observation that during sexual activities, people do not use a condom, especially when they have to have anal sex and vaginal intercourse. This leads to the development of many dangerous or deadly diseases A large number of cases of syphilis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV has been reported in the United States in recent years. In a short film, I saw a couple having sex, but they did not use condoms. As the story moved on, the couple broke up and developed relationships with two different people. Gradually, the four people developed HIV/AIDS, which was only because of having sex without using condoms. This gave me the idea that using condoms is the only way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. The Fear Theory can be applied to this situation, which states that fear of anything is sometimes needed to ensure the health and wellbeing of people. For instance, if more and more people have the fear of developing sexually transmitted diseases, then they will definitely like the idea of using condoms. Health experts think that all of these diseases are caused due to unhygienic sex, so the use of condoms is highly recommended. In today’s world, where teenagers and adults do not feel shy of having sex occasionally even when they are not married, it has become common to develop HIV/AIDS and other similar complications (Dutcher & Mcclelland, 2019). Instead of trying odd or unhygienic methods, using condoms is highly recommended as it is cost-efficient and given preference by sensible people living in all parts of the world. In this paper, I will highlight why it is important for people of all ages to use condoms while having sex. I will also discuss some of the alternatives to condoms while concluding that condoms are far better than other products or items. Some medical experts argue that there are various reasons for why it is important to use condoms (Addoh et al. 2017). First of all, using condoms give people feelings of relaxation and happiness. Secondly, when they use these products during sex, then their chances of developing complications like HIV/AIDS are always low. The Theory of Reasoned Action, also known as TRA or ToRA, can be applied to this situation. It aims to explain the relationship between the behavior and attitude of human beings, predicting how they react to varying situations or products based on their intentions and pre-existing attitudes. It is a common observation that people living in all parts of the United States and worldwide do not consider condoms a must part of their lives. It has also been found that people living in third world countries or those who belong to religious and middle-class families consider condoms a bad thing. They are of the view that it is against their moral and religious values and that by using condoms, they will not be able to have big families. For example, in India, there is a tradition of giving birth to a lot of babies, and some tribes are strict in this regard. Women who are not able to produce many babies are given a divorce. These are the same people who think that condoms will keep them from having many babies and this could be a threat to their so-called religious or moral values. In some African countries, people are illiterate, and they do not even know what a condom is. The government is responsible for making these individuals understand that by using condoms, they will be able to have a child or two and this will ultimately ensure their financial success. In addition, they can avoid sexually transmitted diseases this way and can live a healthy and active life. It proves that the decision of a person to engage in a specific behavior is purely based on the outcomes he or she expects. If people want to have babies, then they will not use condoms, and if they want to have safe or protected sex, then using condoms is the only and best option. In addition, those who are interested in avoiding sexually transmitted diseases will surely use condoms. The Theory of Reasoned Action was first proposed by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in 1967 and is largely used in persuasion models, attitude theories and social psychology. It forms the relationship between the attitude of people and their behaviors. A handful of people belonging to the same families or religions do not even know what types of condoms should be used and what are their short term and long term benefits. Educating these individuals in this regard is important (Shafii et al. 2004). Details on how to select condoms based on their size and quality should be provided to all the citizens openly or secretly. Without condoms, people are likely to develop one or more sexually transmitted diseases, and this can be problematic for their health, wellbeing, and survival. A significant number of cases of HIV are reported every year, and this disease spreads primarily because of unprotected sex (Yang & Macentee, 2015). Whether you are HIV+ or HIV-, it is mandatory for you to use condoms if you want to ensure your health and the wellbeing of your partner. The rapid spread of HIV has led to continuous research on why condoms should not be called nonsense (Rogers et al. 2001). In different parts of the world, neither governments educate people regarding their use, nor do the parents allow their teenagers or married children to bring home such projects, as they think that having sex with condoms means not allowing babies to come to this world. It’s safe to say that condoms are the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). An alternative to condoms, PrEP, is also available in the markets but it could not provide the users with as many benefits as are provided by condoms. In addition, the expense of PrEPs makes them infeasible for the public, even for low-income people who are in serodiscordant relationships. Thus, it can be said that condoms are the best and most important resource when it comes to reducing the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If people do not use condoms while having a physical relationship, then it will become impossible or quite difficult for them to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. The tendency for the public to use condoms rarely or not at all is a major threat to public health. A large number of studies on why condoms are the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases have proved that condom fatigue (also known as prevention fatigue) is common among people living in different parts of the world. Most people think that by using condoms, they would not be able to enjoy with the fullest. Increasing awareness about the advantages of antiretroviral therapy has led to seeking alternatives to condoms. However, there is no option as better as are condoms due to tw...
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