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What are Religious Beliefs, Morals, Ethics, and Laws?

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) in which you discuss how laws, morals, ethics, and religious beliefs influence people’s behavior including your own. Include the following in your paper:

A research-based discussion regarding the similarities between laws, morals, ethics, and religious beliefs.

A research-based discussion regarding the differences between laws, morals, ethics, and religious beliefs.

A research based discussion regarding how each of those forces affects the behavior of individuals.

A discussion of how each of those forces influence your personal behavior.

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Laws, Morals, Ethics, and Religious Beliefs
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Morals, laws, ethics, and religious beliefs are purposed to help individuals cohabit. These external forces are responsible for governing and guiding human conduct in a particular society or practice. If these external forces were not present, individuals would be at liberty to act in whichever manner they deem appropriate because there would be no consequences to their actions. Thus, morals, laws, ethics, and religious beliefs serve as guidelines that govern human conduct in matters of wrong and right. Entailed in this paper is a discussion of the parallels and variances between morals, laws, religious beliefs, and ethics. Also discussed is how each of these forces affects individuals’ behaviors and how they affect the author’s behavior.
What are Religious Beliefs, Morals, Ethics, and Laws?
The word “Law” refers to a collection of rules that are established by a government or society to deal with business agreements, crime, and social relationships. The word “ethics” refers to a system of principles or standards by which a community or groups of individuals regulate their behavior, allowing certain procedures to be deemed ‘acceptable’ or ‘unacceptable.’ The term “morality” refers to codes of conduct that are put forth by groups (for example, a religion) or a society, or adopted by individuals for their behavior (Gert, 2002). The term “religion” refers to the unified system of practices, beliefs, feelings, and dogmas that define the relationship between human beings and divinity or sacred. These external forces are interwoven to secure the foundation in which entire societies exist.
The terms “morals” and “ethics” are often used synonymously, as if they are synonyms, but they are not. They do, however, share certain similarities which include: They discuss the same thing – what is bad or good, incorrect or correct, and wrong or right, in different scenarios and circumstances. Laws and ethics are closely interwoven – they assume each other as they each have a focus on wrong and right, preventing immoral deeds, and justice achievement (Spîrchez, 2016). Morals and laws are intimately related to each other. Generally, laws are based on the moral principles of a society such as fairness, honesty, and justice (Spîrchez, 2016). Both laws and morals regulate the behavior of individuals in a society. Religion and morality are similar in that; religion is a codified set of beliefs which have morality embedded within tenets of each particular religion.
The similarities shared between religious beliefs, laws, ethics, and morals stem from their shared role in trying to make individuals behave in a certain manner. These external forces offer formal guidance to individuals regarding how they should conduct themselves. Religious beliefs can be derived from existing doctrines or personal revelations which give birth to strict rules of behavior. Laws, morals, and ethics dictate what is wrong and right. Thus, the similarities that exist between these forces are all in their establishment of rules for individuals to follow.
Despite their similarities, these forces have differences. The key differences between morals and ethics include ethics deal with what is considered ‘evil or good. Morals deal with what is considered ‘wring or right.’ Morals are guidelines that are framed by society; for example, “we should not lie.” Contrastingly, ethics respond to particular situations; for example, “It is ethical to state the truth in a court of law.” Morals can vary from culture to culture and society to society. Ethics, on the other hand, are the same regardless of society, culture, or religion.
Morals have no applicability to business while ethics are widely applied in business (business ethics). Laws must be consistent because there cannot be two contradicting requirements in a single law. Laws have to be universal since the requirements must apply to all individuals. Since the requirements are to ...
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