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Why People of Denmark are the Happiest and The Main Factors that Determine Happiness

Essay Instructions:

This discussion is focused on the concept of "the pursuit of happiness" within the context of psychological and spiritual well-being. In reality, "the pursuit of happiness" can mean different things to different people. With that in mind, you are required to complete this week's discussion by
1. View the complete documentary "The Pursuit of Happiness" on CBS 60 minutes. Take good notes while viewing.
2. Write a thoughtful and critical essay of the documentary focusing on at least TWO contentious issues emerged from the film that you can really relate to.

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Pursuit of Happiness Name Institutional Affiliation Date The pursuit of Happiness is one the concepts in psychology. There are various ways in which human beings pursue happiness in their lives. Happiness forms part of our life and we always struggle in life to be happy. The documentary 60 Minutes Happiness focuses on one of the happiest nations in the world which is Denmark. In a survey that was carried out by the University of England, it was found out that the people of Denmark are the happiest. Surprisingly, US was ranked as the twenty-third country in happiness. The reporter seeks to understand the reason why the people of Denmark are the happiest and perhaps what are the main factors that determine our happiness. According to the documentary, there are two things that stand out as the cause of happiness among people that is the expectations of the people and contentedness.
Expectations form part of our human life. The way in which you manage your expectations is a key to happiness. We tend to hope for the best in each of our endeavors in life but when it does not turn out to be what we expect, then we get disappointed. According to the documentary, when you have low expectations then there is the likelihood that you will be happy in life. In a study of coming up with the reasons that make Denmark to be ranked as the happiest country in the world, it was discovered that since the people of Denmark have low expectations in life, then they would remain t...
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