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Why Education Seems to be an Impediment to Wonder

Essay Instructions:

Please see attached instructions for this assignment. Readings are also attached. Answer 1 question from Section I and 1 question from Section II. You can choose any two questions you like to answer. Each question should be a a page long, no less. So 2 questions, two pages total.

Please read the following for Class 7:

 George Vaillant’s   Chapter 6 “Integrity: Death be not proud” in Aging Well.

                     Death and end of life issues are addressed.

George Vaillant’s   Chapter 10 “Spirituality, religion and old age” in Aging Well.

Vaillant addressed issues of spirituality and religion

Westermeyer, J.F. (2020). El Salvador stories: Attaining an education despite poverty and violence. USA: Jerry F. Westermeyer.  Chapters 12 to 18;  pp. 106-166.

De Pascuale, J. (2003). A wonder full life. Notre Dame Magazine.

De Pascuale explores issues of life and death. 

Writing Assignment #11 Before Class 7

Writing assignment #11 is based on the assigned readings above. Please answer one question from Section I and one question from Section II in at least one-page essays (double spaced) for each question for a total of at least two pages not including name, date and question numbers. Lazy writing (long direct quotes) and plagiarism are not permitted.

Section I:  Vaillant’s Chapter 10 “Spirituality, Religion and Old Age”, Vaillant’s Chapter 6 (Death Be Not Proud) in Aging Well and De Pascuale, A Wonder Full Life..

  1. Why, according to Vaillant, does spirituality include and religion exclude? Why does Vaillant claim that spirituality is “right brain” and religion is “left brain”?
  2. What are some reasons for individuals turning to spirituality or religion in Chapter 10? Use the example of the life of either Jobe, Merton or Graham from the book Aging Well in your response. (in Aging Well, Chapter 10)
  3. What does Vaillant mean by “integrity” and “despair”? How does integrity characterize Ellen Keller’s life?  (in Aging Well, Chapter 6)
  4. Why does Keller seem to accept the fact that she is dying so easily? What are some factors that mitigate the sting of death for her?
  5. What does Vaillant mean when he says that Eric Carey was “ill for half of his life; he was sick for very little of it?” Explain. (Chapter 6)
  6. What does Vaillant mean when he says that Emerson “has such trouble showing compassion for himself? (Chapter 6)
  7. De Pascuale claims that most people “drift”, living lives “unaware of the mystery of existence”. According to De Pascuale, how might individuals become aware of “the mystery of existence?”
  8. De Pascuale suggests a famous philosopher  maintains that “the question of the meaning of life is not worth asking.” (page 50) Why does De Pascuale think it is important to contemplate questions that have no answers? What good can that do?
  9. De Pascaule writes “Education, ironically, does not guarantee arriving at the wonder that can lead to wisdom. Obstacles abound in the life of learning and study. The most treacherous obstacle is education itself.” According to De Pascaule, why may education be an impediment to wonder? Explain.
  10. Why does De Pascuale say “you cannot will yourself to wonder any more than you can will yourself to love?” (page 51) 

Section II:  Westermeyer’s “El Salvador Stories”   Chapters 12 to 18

  1. How might the Erikson/Vaillant developmental model fit any one of the stories in this book?
  2. How does one social justice issue fit a theme or biography in the book? Explain
  3. How are we to understand the moral development of Saint Archbishop Oscar Romero? (See chapter 15)
  4. Is the forgiveness demonstrated by Romero (see Chapter 15) required to reach higher levels of development or are some crimes too difficult or evil to forgive? Explain.
  5. What are some factors that help the individuals in this book overcome violent trauma or poverty?
  6. How can would-be helpers or social justice allies avoid a “savior” orientation in social justice activities? (see chapter 17)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lifespan Assignment # 11
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Professor's Name
Section I: 
Question 9:
Why Education seems to be an Impediment to Wonder
According to De Pascuale (2003), education may be an impediment to wonder because most individuals may mistake reading and having book knowledge as being. As a result, an individual is equipped with information that makes them learn a lot about humanity, but it does not make them humane. History has already proven that despite individuals being well educated, they have turned out to be the biggest creeps (De Pascuale 2003). Additionally, De Pascuale gives various illustrations to show how getting an education alone may be an impediment to wonder. First, De Pascuale demonstrates that a sociologist who is well educated and has broad book knowledge may get so caught up in analyzing various statistical information that she neglects to take care of her children and her husband.
Furthermore, education may be an impediment to wonder because it entails knowing rather than doing. Thus, as De Pascuale (2003) illustrates, there is more to having wisdom than just accumulating a lot of knowledge. Unfortunately, many individuals aim to ensure that they learn and memorize a lot of knowledge and forget that wisdom is more than that. Additionally, there is more to being good than just knowing what is good. Education teaches people about what is good and acceptable in society. Having information about this but not being good as a person acts as an impediment to wonder. Lastly, education may be an impediment to wonder because, in most cases, it confuses the order of thoughts and the order of being (De Pascuale, 2003). Thus, there is a need to embrace virtuous living in opposition to refining intellectual capacities attained throu...
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