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The Bilingual Education Debate

Essay Instructions:

In your paper, you will enter an academic conversation by responding to a group of articles.

Your paper will make an arguable claim that is in conversation with one or more of the articles in the readings.

Anderson, M.D. (2015, November 2). The costs of English-only education. The Atlantic. https://www(dot)theatlantic(dot)com/education/archive/2015/11/the-costs-of-english-only-education/413494/
Carter, P.M. (2014, March 4). Why the bilingual education band should have been repealed long ago. CNN. https://www(dot)cnn(dot)com/2014/03/04/opinion/carter-bilingual-education/
Chavez, L. (2014, June 6). Bilingual education idiocy in California. New York Post. https://nypost(dot)com/2014/06/06/bilingual-education-idiocy-in-california/
Fix, M. (2016, Summer). How "They" Become "We". The American Prospect, 27, 80-81. https://www(dot)proquest(dot)com/magazines/how-they-become-we/docview/1804562391/se-2?accountid=25320
Sanchez, C. (2016, November 25). Bilingual education returns to California. Now what? National Public Radio. https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/sections/ed/2016/11/25/502904113/bilingual-education-returns-to-california-now-what
Hamilton, K. (2006). Bilingual or Immersion? Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, 23(5), 23–26. https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=aph&AN=20602209&site=ehost-live&custid=natuniv
Porter, R. P. (1998). The case against bilingual education. Atlantic, 281(5), 28–39. https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=aph&AN=757633&site=ehost-live&custid=natuniv

- 4-5 pages, double spaced (not including title page and references page.)
- 12-point font.
- APA Format. Please format your paper to all APA formatting requirements. See this page on the library guide to set up your title page, format your essay, and format your references page. https://apastyle(dot)apa(dot)org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format . Nearly all of your courses in college will use APA-style formatting, and you will be expected to know the formatting rules in future courses, so get very familiar with this resource.
- Use two (minimum) outside sources. One outside source must be from a peer-reviewed journal.
- Submit your paper in a Word doc, a .docx file.

Remember- your paper should be free of grammatical errors and thoroughly proofread.

** I chose a topic and started with a thesis feel free to change, modify or build on it. The attachment contains the outside peer-reviewed resources as well.
If any article won't open I can send it as a screenshot.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bilingual Education
Institution Affiliation
Bilingual Education
Bilingual education is the ability to teach, understand and communicate two languages in an institution of learning in equal measures. Thus, in America, it involves teaching English as a second language in schools. However, there have been myths about teaching other native dialects in institutions that will detract from learning English and take over the US. Even though there are benefits involved in teaching different dialects, laws such as California 27 hindered teaching other languages in North America, citing it was becoming problematic, and the students were only allowed to learn English. As a result, economic and sociocultural losses were experienced due to biased laws. Thus, this paper will address how individuals can learn English as a second language without affecting or influencing their native language by Immersion. Notably, the paper will compare different journals and the advantages and disadvantages of using Immersion to learn English as a second language.
In an article about why this bilingual education ban should be repealed, published by CNN, Philip Carter (2014) recounts that learning another language does not directly affect a native language but rather enhances a state's social-cultural benefits. He argues that when California allowed bilingual learning, there was economic growth and development as individuals felt accepted and had a sense of belonging. Even though they had their culture and traditions, they did not affect America's culture and tradition. Thus he recommended linguistically informed policies that allowed students to learn more than one language. Therefore, learning English as a second language, a method known as Immersion, is best suited to ensure individuals retain their native language while immersed in a new language and values.
In addition, Chavez (2014), in an article published by New York Post, argues that every state should allow children to learn English as much as they value and acknowledge their native language. He recalls that fears and insecurities related to a new language led to bans on bilingual education in California. Thus, immersion programs taught children English, which saw them learn quickly and improve their reading scores. Also, Chavez argues that the teachings of bilingual education presented economic opportunities for capitalists and created reforms in immigration policies for anyone willing to relocate to America. In addition, the author believes that learning English as a second language is advantageous for the second generation as they communicate fluently in English, but the ability to speak the native language is lost within the third generation.
Thus, what is English Immersion? Immersion is the most authentic way to teach a new language. This means that the children speak, hear and learn in an original daily context and surroundings that they are familiar with (Kesevan et al., 2018). The children learn the context of the new language as if they are learning their mother tongue. The children are not stressed with vocabulary or complex jargon, making it easier for them to understand. Notably, the immersion method puts more emphasis on facial expressions and gestures. Thus, the children quickly realize what is being said from the context. The consistency and receptive skills improve the listening and reading skills, encouraging students to use the new language daily, thus quickly learning the new dialects. Further, English Immersion makes communication easier between native English speakers and foreigners. In addition, Immersion improves ch...
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