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Personality Development: Person of Tomorrow

Essay Instructions:

Read the following excerpt from a book by Carl Rogers. This chapter showcases his earliest views on the Person of Tomorrow, beginning on page 343 and following.

Rogers, C. R. (1995). The world of tomorrow, and the person of tomorrow. In A way of being (pp. 339-356). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. http://www(dot)spsbrno(dot)cz/clenove/pdf/1970-2002/tomorrow.pdf

Give a description of Carl Rogers' "person of tomorrow." Look at the people in today's world. Do you think his description is accurate? Why or why not? Provide at least two examples to support your viewpoint.

(For example: Does texting technology make us more human? Does it bring us together more, or keep us distanced from our humanness? What do the experts say about this?)

Would a "person of tomorrow" be a fully functioning person according to Rogers' thinking? Explain your reasoning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personality Development
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Personality Development
From the excerpt, Carl Rogers’ description of the person of tomorrow is centered on individuals’’ realization of therapeutic conditions. He notes that the person of tomorrow manifests when all three therapeutic conditions are met. For instance, the person of tomorrow is only realized through counselor congruence, allowing counselors to accept themselves and their clients’ circumstances. Additionally, the person of tomorrow is only realized in unconditional positive regard, which allows caregivers to provide optimal care to the needy (Rogers, 1995). Finally, the person of tomorrow is subject to empathy, making it easy for individuals to develop sufficient understanding of their client’s challenges and commit to assisting them in all possible ways. Rogers’ description of the person of tomorrow is quite accurate for several reasons. To begin with, it upholds unconditional positive regard and empathy as two of the major attributes of the person of tomorrow (Rogers, 1995). Ideally, these attributes demonstrate a strategy t...
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