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Why China Doesn't Have Democracy

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Why Doesn’t China Have a Democracy
Why Doesn’t China Have a Democracy
A common feature exists between direct and representative democracy in that both build around the people’s power to elect their preferred officials for governance. Democracy thus represents a system of governance in which the power to rule rests on the people’s freedom and liberty to choose their leaders through equal selection or voting opportunities. The whole system of governance is put in place by an electorate, which also serves to hold the leaders accountable for their actions while in power. Most of the Western countries embrace the democratic political ideology and consider it to the be the ideal or standard system of governance for protecting the rights and freedoms of all human beings. It is for this reason that the West continues to campaign for the spread of democracy to countries with alternative systems of governance such as China and other Eastern countries. China, on the other hand, claims to be a form of democracy with a different approach or ideological perspective from the Western form of democracy. The Chinese system of governance is, however, far from democracy and betrays some of the key values and principles of a real democracy. Provided herein are some of the reasons proving the ineligibility of China’s socialist democracy to meeting the standard or model characteristics of a government by the people and for the people.
The Chinese system of governance builds on the premise of consolidated power around the ruling Chinese Communist Party headed by a Chairman who is the current President Xi Jinping CITATION Won18 \l 1033 (Wong, 2018). The party is a centralized authority wielding the people’s authority without the latter’s mandate. The party’s claim to be a socialist democracy comes from the ideological belief that it represents the interest of the people at the higher levels of gover...
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