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Essay on Film Text Book- Ed Sikov

Essay Instructions:

Summarize the film analysis textbook chapter 8 and 9 into a one-page essay. the book name is film studies, an introduction by Ed Sikov. the book is on kindle and the account number is

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Essay on Film Text Book Student’s Name Institution Course Due Date ESSAY ON FIM TEXT BOOK Ed Sikov builds a curriculum of appreciation in this books by appreciating all the types of narrative cinema and all the essential elements of film forms. Chapter seven of this book elaborates more on from screenplay to film deeper into narrative structure screenwriting, the three act structure segmentation, form segmentation, meaning by a segmentation of inside man study guide and story analysis and segmentation (Sikov, 2010). Ed Sikov also elaborates the three-act structure which is one key convention of narrative screenplays. The origins of the idea that good dramas which include film should have a middle, beginning and the end which is from Aristotle. Segmentation is a formal breakdown of the film narrative into its components. Chapter 8 is all about filmmakers, film, a director's art, authorship, the Auteur theory, the producer's role te...
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