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What Impacts Second Language Acquisition in Children

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this my assignment please make sure i have something different from my classmate .
this midterm reading summary assignment i send all the details in the attachments
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Second Language Acquisition
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Literature and Language
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Second Language Acquisition
There are 2 studies tackled in this paper in relation to second language acquisition. In the 1st study, it is said that by exposing a child to learning a 2nd language can indicate their success in SLA. And other children may move faster during the 1st stages in L2 acquisition of its morphology and syntax which is an advantage in rate. There is a deterioration while the AO increases when attaining L2 results. The 2nd study is about the 5-year old study that investigated the 6 English grammatical morphemes that were acquired. They will be compared because these 2 studies are contributors to discovering what impacts SLA in children.
The methodology of how the study was conducted is discussed here. The study has shown the traditional knowledge in managing dilemma as there is an amount of information and research that come from academia and practicality. However, there is disperse and there is no documentation of personal experience.
Moreover, further research of the study was done by doing a distinction between 3 kinds of bilingualism. These are exposure to language at birth, and succession of bilingualism during the early stages which is from ages 1 to 3 years old. The 2nd language bilingualism exposure happens from 4 to 10 years old. All of the researchers use several factors that causes successful acquisition and retaining a 2nd language. The response of the participants relates them to family, school, student, community or the society.
The learning aptitude given to a child which is combination of factors covering cognitive and personality development. The findings of the research say that these factors have learning style, strategy and personality factors have motivation, self-efficacy, and self-management. Language impediment is caused by lack of motivation, anxiety, and loss of confidence or self-esteem.
Scientists have used the procedure applied to the family aspect in relation to having a large vocabulary can impact a person’s comprehension, ability, and achievement in school. The parents influence how wide a child’s vocabulary by how educated they are, they have good access to resources, and the parents interact with them regularly.
In academics, there are issues that make provision complicated that includes student population’s multicultural and multilingual nature that lead to monolingualism and the transience in the population of students and teachers, resulting to socio-psychological effects.
The local community include their faith and culture that affects the factors of their socio-economic standing and improve learning.
Based on research, another basis they use in the study is by observing the efforts of the parents that lack guidance. Based on research, it has been discovered that parents solely rely on what they learned in language in choosing paths for their children, this is in reference to famous literature and advice from experts.
After dedicating time to begin the study, the results were acquired by doing a comparison between tasks that are cognitively demanding and the undemanding ones. The significant difference and the possibility of using language in a reduced environment is evident. Another result shows the problems underlying 2 or all languages might have misinterpretation as common delays when it comes to learning English and children that come from BML background compared to those who are multilingual that have the same issues. Other researchers have discovered that problems in behavior and emotions may come from problems in language that have speech disorder, isolated expressive disorder, mixed receptive-expressive high-level language disorder, and certain language impairment, disorders and delays.
The approach to the study has arrived at results and the findings state that the impact of tasks that are undemanding and demanding differ when it is used in an environment that is programmed for the study. In addition, the delays in language learning happen when the student is from BML background than the ones who are naturally multilingual. The emotional and behavioral problems caused by speech disorders also affects their learning pace because it can impede or delay it.
The comparison of this study with other readings in class is it tackles the cognitive ability, the age, psychological factors and how it helps in developing a 2nd language. The learners that were part of the study also vary and are under different categories. All of the other readings in class are linked to the study because of the elements that it covered. The connection of all the factors used in the methodology are all found in all of the readings as part of their discussion and the goal of the readings. In addition, SLA is beneficial to those who want to have an improvement in their developmental abilities. It was the variability on learner language that did a similar study because one of the basis of the results in this study is according to the varying age groups of the participants.
2nd study:
Based on the researchers, the goal of the study is to investigate the grammatical morphemes used by the children and adolescents that speak Mandarin living in the USA between 5 to 16 years old. The goal was to make a chart and compare the acquisition trajectories with the stages of mastery among the morphemes. There has to be an identification of when there are differences caused by age (Jia and Fuse, 2007).
The method that was used in this study is by the use of measurement of the morphemes belonging to obligatory context when speaking spontaneously. In this study, how children use tenses based on their knowledge were studied by eliciting and judging tasks. The L2 group acquired the same mean MLU as part of the children that are monolingual that are under SLI. The children that belong to the L2 group had the same mean MLU as the TD L1 children. There is a need to document the similarities extent and especially the dissimilarities present between L1, SL1, and L2 English acquisition of tense morpheme (Paradis, et.al. , 2008).
The morphemes had several participants that have different numbers showing varying growth trajectories. Some of the variance of performance was given by the arrival age during early arrivals that gain a larger proficiency compared to late ones. Although, the effects of AoAr needed several years to happen and only lasted for 2 out of the 6 morphemes. The analysis of growth shows that environment in language was an unusual predictor compared to AoAr individual differences. The results were not able to reveal the differences linked to age in acquisition of the tenses versus morphemes that are not linked to tenses, nor normal and irregular ones, nor errors in the types.
The findings of this study indicate that grammatical morphemes acquisition by immigrants related to age consume several years before completion. While the L2 learners show some wrong types and difficulties like monolingual children that have an impairment, proper care needs to be taken in the interpretation and morphological errors to show learning problems (Singleton, 2014). The study that did a similar method in getting results was the Formulaic Language in Native 2nd Language Speakers. Due to their purpose of studying the difficulties that non-native speakers experience when learning a 2nd language. Furthermore, all of the other readings in class also tackle the difficulties experienced by children from different age groups. They experience their own difficulties and learning challenges that become a barrier of their progress and how they will be able to cope with academics in the long run.
Relating the 2 studies
The 1st study done by researchers was inten...
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