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History and Heritage of United States Navy Uniforms

Essay Instructions:

Essay must include an introduction, body (minimum two main points with a transition sentence), and conclusion. Refer to Required Reading, Module 2.01a, Three Part Communications.
The paper must address the following points. State the factual account of the ship, station, battle, individual, custom, policy, process, procedure, or event surrounding the origins of the topic. State why this topic is an important part of our history/heritage, how it has evolved over time to become a part of current operations.
Use the questions below as a guide in the development of the details.
- When/where did it happen?
- What happened?
- Who were the key personnel or events?
- What traits, principles, or characteristics made this a notable part of our history/heritage?
- How did this event affect how the military conducts itself today? standards, procedures, attitudes, etc.)
- How has it evolved over time to improve leaders or organizations? - How does this topic enable leaders to motivate themselves/others? - How does this apply to current operations?
It navy chief uniforms, not just navy uniforms

Essay Sample Content Preview:

History and Heritage of United States Navy Uniform
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History and Heritage of United States Navy Uniform
Prior to the introduction of navy uniforms in the United States, there was war. During this time, navy officers including John Barry and John Paul Jones were in charge in the Continental Navy. Their mission was to guide the rest of the team in supplying arms and other provisions for the British soldiers. As such, they had to identify themselves as leaders guiding their team as well as distinguish the navy from other military groups. This brought about the origin of navy uniforms. Accordingly, the secretary of war was responsible for issuing instructions regarding the very first U.S navy uniform in 1791. However, the navy colors were established later on in 1802. Navy uniforms were designed to suit the environment within which the navy worked. Moreover, each of the navy chief uniforms doubled up to serve other purposes that were necessary for the survival of the officers. Additionally, the navy uniforms were different to distinguish between the officers and their ranks. Recently, these ideas are relevant to the current operation and the manner in which leaders behave. Accordingly, they are an essential part of United States heritage.
For a fact, the navy chief uniform was initially designed in a manner that reflected the environment and challenges faced by the navy. During the early days, the navy encountered unique challenges which had to be considered when developing their uniforms. For instance; they could survive for long seasons without resupply, travel to varied climatic environments and live within saline environments. In a bid to counter these challenges, they wore uniforms which reflected their environments as well as the work they performed. Particularly, the navy chiefs wore distinguishing uniforms which were unique to their managerial tasks and other work such as getting in dirt and turning wrenches. Moreover, the navy was also faced with logistic and funding issues during the development of its official enlisted uniform. As a result, the sailors wore uniforms that served a practical purpose beyond just being a uniform. Sail canvas was used to make the Dixie cap so as to allow it act as a flotation device. Besides being used as a working rag, the black neckerchief was also used as a battle dressing in the event of emergencies. The dungaree was introduced in 1913 given its durable design and hence, suitable for the sea. Before the dungarees, there existed heavy woolen pants which could be easily removed to prevent the sailor from drowning if they fell...
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