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What is Gravity and How it is Observed?

Essay Instructions:

This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be completed in the same attached Unit VI Homework Template .

Part 1: Imagine someone who believes gravity is not a real force in nature. Using the Unit VI Assignment template, write at least two to four paragraphs explaining to this person that gravity is a real force in nature. Note that you will be defending a very specific conclusion: Gravity is a real force of nature. Your assignment must address and demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts: scientific explanation, theory, and the scientific method (observation, experiment, and measurement).

Part 2: After writing your paragraphs, fill out the premises in the attached template. The Unit VI Lesson may be helpful since it addresses Newton’s theory of gravity.

View the Unit VI Sample Homework for an example of how your completed assignment should look. The first part of your completed assignment must be at least one page in length, and you must use at least one resource from the CSU Online Library to support your defense. This Developing Keywords for Database Searches video will help you with research for your assignment.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. No more than 15–20% of your assignment should include outside information. The idea is to use some evidence to help defend your argument.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Part 1:
Gravity is a force of attraction that exists in nature. Practically, if a ball is thrown upwards, it is attracted back towards the Earth's centre. This is due to the force of gravity between the balls of the Earth. According to a scientific explanation, gravity is a force exerted between two masses or objects. (Shirai & Yamazaki, 2020). Notably, the magnitude of the gravitational force is determined by the mass of the object in question and the distance between the objects (Chandra, 2020).
Theoretically, gravity is a minor force of attraction that exists. However, it does not have an active role in determining the nature or properties of a particular object in nature (Chandra, 2020). Even though gravity is a weak force of attraction in nature, it determines the motion of all objects in the universe, especially in our solar system. It determines the structure of the galaxies and light.
Gravity is observed in several aspects of nature because it is the force exerted by two objects drawn towards each other concerning their mass, as in the case of the Earth's gravitational pull, which comes from its mass. The weight of all objects on Earth is drawn towards the centre of gravity at a proportional rate to the mass of the Earth. The Earth's gravitational pull causes the Earth to have its shape, while the gravitational pull of a body such as a moon causes ocean tides on the Earth. Gravity causes the Earth to revolve around its orbit and retains its atmosphere in its steady state to maintain its steady-state (Shirai &...
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