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Identifying Fallacies, Conclusions, and Premises

Essay Instructions:

Your assignment for this unit involves identifying fallacies, conclusions, and premises as well as correcting fallacies.

Using the Unit V Assignment Template , review the dialogue (short conversation) between three people. Identify four fallacies, along with the four premises and conclusions leading up to the fallacies identified. In the first column, identify the fallacy present. In the second column, identify the conclusion of the fallacious argument, and in the third column identify the premises, or the reasons offered for the conclusion. In the last column, propose some ways to counter this fallacy. You should have a total of four fallacies, four conclusions, four premises, and four counters to correct the fallacies. All fallacies must come from Chapter 8 of our textbook.

View the Unit V Sample Dialogue and Template for an example of how your completed assignment should look. APA Style will not be required for this assignment, and no outside resources are required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Identifying Fallacies
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Identifying Fallacies
A fallacy is unsound reasoning that makes one come up with unrealistic decisions. There are several types of fallacies with their meaning. These fallacies include the following; Appeal to ignorance, appeal to pity, appeal to popularity, Affirming the consequences, begging the question, Complex question or loaded question, opposite of division, denying the indecent, opposite of composition, equivocation, false dilemma, gamblers fallacy and finally red herring. Appeal to tradition is seen when a person oversees and prefers certain things since it has been working best in the past. It might indeed be the best idea, but what if things have changed over time? We may end up loving something over what we have seen in the past. In this dialogue, we can see many fallacies. Gambler's fallacy, appeal to tradition, opposite of composition and appeal to irrelevant authority are fallacies that are observed in this dialogue. The table below shows different fallacies, conclusions, premises, and corrections.



How it is corrected:

Gambler’s fallacy (Amanda argument)

We should advertise our fundraising on social media platform because millions of companies are advertising on social media.

Many companies are advertising on social media.

Sometimes advertising on social media sites is a good thing but is not a good idea because it is popular. Sometimes things that are popular are not necessarily good

Appeal to tr...
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