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Week Two Journal. Ageing and Ageism. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Week Two Journal

In the last two weeks we have discussed theories of aging, the experience of aging generally and through impairments that can occur in later life, differing perspectives of societal norms on aging, and ageism.

As the basis of your journal, reflect on and present the following:

Have you ever experienced ageism yourself or in hindsight exhibited ageist views? (Remember, ageism can be experienced by the young and the old, in fact, at any age.) How do you feel about this now?

After your experiences with the impairments this week have your perspectives on age altered?

How about regarding those at any age who have impairments? What new awareness have you gained in experiencing those with impairments?

With the interview last week, how has your perspective of what it will be like to be an elder changed? Has the experience led to a desire to plan for the future?

The journal response should be three pages in length (including title page) and cover all prompts in the instructions.

[Reminder: Journaling about the topic can help you process your developing views and reflect on your growth as you learn. Unlike a research paper, you do not have to cite references or use APA formatting. Rather, journal assignments are intended to be a presentation of your reflections and thoughts of your development based on the topics and resources of the course.]

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ageing and Ageism
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People face a lot of challenges in the society which originates from intimidations from other members of the society. Some of the most common challenges include harassment, marginalization, and ageism. Ageism is defined as a stereotype and discrimination of an individual or a group of individuals for their age (Palmore, Branch & Harris, 2016). Ageism can affect people of different ages, including the old, medium-aged and the young. It is always common in a society where the difference between the ages of people is great thus giving a room for discrimination. For example, the old can be discriminated to be old and useless in the society. Children are also discriminated against by the denial of any rights and ignoring their ideas because they are young (Krings, Sczesny& Luge, 2011). They are therefore marginalized and thought to be not productive.
In my life, I have ever experienced ageism when I was in high school. The experience came up as a result of forming a school counseling group which was a program initiated there to promote morality among the students. I found myself in a group of 5 people and I appeared to be the youngest person since it was my first year at school. My group consisted of students who were in the senior classes. The group was meant for discussing issues which affect the youths and how they can be solved in the society. I had a very bad experience as I was not able to be given a chance to contribute to the discussions since I was new in the school and young for that matter.
One of the group members once said, "There is nothing you know about counselling, you are still young". I felt the words inside me and wasn't able to cope up with the situation. I read more about counselling and was capable of answering the questions and contributing to the discussions. I have a different perspective of age now, which revolves around equality of age. People of different ages should be treated equally in the society and should not be discriminated. Age is experienced by all humans as one grows from a young age to old over time. It is, therefore, important to appreciate different ages and age groups, thereby giving them all the opportunities and supporting them in all their endeavors. In as much as productivity might differ through ages, it is very unethic...
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