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Analysis of Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy

Essay Instructions:

Philosophy Essay 2 Prompt: Explain your analysis on Descartes philosophy

Explain what Methodological skepticism is (Use skepticism; doubt to explain things) (I don't know the truth about anything)

Explain Cogito ergo sum (I think)

Solipsism (only my mind exists)

Contents of the (his) human mind (imagination? finitude?)

Why his idea of God is different (the idea of God cannot be separate from the existence of God) (How does Descartes explain the divine)

Freedom (to think)+ ethics (how to think)+ will (natural moves)/inclination/habitual behavior

Induction: The inference of a general law from particular instances. Uniformity of nature.

Problem of induction= prejudice = Presupposition that a sequence of events in the future will always occur as they have in the past.

Use Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy

Meditation I: On What Can Be Called into Doubt

Meditation II: On the Nature of the Human Mind, Which Is Better Known Than the Body

Meditation III: On God's Existence

Meditation IV: On Truth and Falsity

Meditation V: On the Essence of Material Objects and More on God's Existence

Meditation VI: On the Existence of Material Objects and the Real Distinction of Mind from Body

Look up reference to these meditations online

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Analysis of Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy
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June 26, 2018
René Descartes is a 17th-century Philosopher who is also considered as the Father of Modern Philosophy. While his works are generally known for topics of the natural sciences – geometry, and algebra – he is also remembered as the philosopher who said “I Think. Therefore I am” (Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2013). While this might not seem to be to grandeur concerning a Philosophical argument, its very nature would inspire his methodologies as well as those of others, particularly regarding reflecting deeply through meditation. In fact, this importance could be seen as one of his most famous works of literature is entitled ‘Meditations.’ In turn, to fully understand Descartes and his philosophy, the author believes that it is essential to understand it piece by piece, just as how Descartes analyzed the complexities of life. Thus, in this paper, a piecemeal analysis of this work would be discussed. While doing this, other critical concepts that defined the Cartesian philosophy such as Solipsism, contents of the human mind, as well as his idea of God would be discussed to provide a more comprehensive analysis. Occasionally, the author would also impart some of his ideas and opinions about Descartes ideas.
Methodological need for Doubt
While Descartes is known for his unique methodologies and ability to think through deep reflection, another trait that distinguished him is his style of writing. In his works, he utilized a first-person narrative that helped in establishing a more ‘radically skeptic’ point of view. Specifically, one that entices his readers to discover his or her own life, through reflection and philosophical investigation (Smith, 2014). It is not surprising that Descartes uses this technique called methodic doubt, as it helps uncover the truth by doubting everything at first, and uncovering its mysteries by reflecting on what constitutes them and how ‘true’ (or certain) they are. This method of doubt also leads to the creation of Solipsism, which states that the only thing that we know to exist for sure, is our mind. Anything else could be false or inexistent, for they do not have any independent representations of their own (Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2013). In fact, he even ontologically used this to prove God’s existence. A topic that would be discussed in his Fifth Meditation.
The Meditations
One of the importance of the meditations in modern philosophy is that it helps its readers to exercise their intellectual faculties and practice to use them in their own lives. In doing this, Descartes made sure that it is written in such a way that its philosophy complements its form and vice versa. This combination of both practical and philosophical approach in his first philosophy guides his readers to an inquiry about the material world together with him, the author himself. In his inquiry, Descartes defined meditation as an activity where an individual withdraws himself from the physical world, reverts his attention towards his thoughts, and use this to reflect about the realities that are being taken for granted. A kind of thinking that is solipsistic towards one’s intuition. Through meditation, Descartes and those who study his works depart from externalities that he believes are the reason why individuals succumb to their passions and emotions, hindering them genuinely knowing what exists and what doesn’t. In his book, he stated that in reading his work, one must “have both ability and the desire to meditate seriously with me, and to withdraw their minds from the senses as well as from all prejudices." This becomes the foundations for his first meditation.
Initially, Descartes first meditation starts with the note of utilizing methodological skepticism. In this first part of his work, he discussed his reflection on the realities of his ways of thinking, together with how other realities are founded based on this assumptions. Moreover, because he believes that it is difficult to be particular about the things about the ideas and opinions that we take for granted, then we must destroy them and build anew. A necessity that he thinks is important for the creation of genuinely scientific knowledge. In realization of this idea forwarded by Descartes, the author of this article believes that modern sciences and other fields of study would not be possible without this level of objectivity. Most of the time, people’s minds are clouded with ideas that are born from their upbringing, which could be tainted with prejudice towards others. By having a mind that is reflexive, this creates a way of creating knowledge that could be trusted.
Going back to his meditations, Descartes initially argued that first line of defense that should be broken is our sense...
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