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Views of the Self

Essay Instructions:

This 3 page Project Assignment picks up the discussion of the self in the week 2 by asking you to further explore the question of who you are. If any of the philosophers we read this session might agree with your view, identify the philosopher and explain their position on the self. If any might disagree, identify and discuss the points of disagreement. Personal experience is particularly relevant to this prompt, so feel free to compare your own ideas/experiences to the philosophical theories from the readings. You might consider the following questions as you develop your response:

Does your essence determine your existence (as in the avocado view), or are you a product of your choices and environment (as in the artichoke view)? Or do you not have a solid, separate self at all (as in the non-Western views of the self)?
Does race/sex/gender/class/sexual orientation play a role in who you are? Is gender identity a fixed biological reality? Why or why not?

Please use the APA guidelines to include in text citations

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project 2
This 3 page Project Assignment picks up the discussion of the self in the week 2 by asking you to further explore the question of who you are.Does your essence determine your existence (as in the avocado view), or are you a product of your choices and environment (as in the artichoke view)? Or do you not have a solid, separate self at all (as in the non-Western views of the self)?
Does race/sex/gender/class/sexual orientation play a role in who you are? Is gender identity a fixed biological reality? Why or why not
While my essence influences my existence, so do my choices and the environment, as everyone has their personality. Still, the environment affects their belief and attitudes in life. Additionally, when we encounter new people and experiences, and ideas, it is likely that our worldview changes. There are different agents of socialization, such as the school and the family, that are part of the environment shaping views and perspectives on life. Increasingly, I have internalized what I understand and do research that informs my ideas and perceptions. Nonetheless, my personal relationships are an essential part of who I am.
Personal experience, attitudes, personality, the environment, choices, observation collectively influences my worldview. Personal experiences are unique, and people have different perspectives even when they have similar experiences in the same context. Through the experience, an individual reaffirms or rejects some beliefs that may influence changes in their thoughts or behaviors. I have had to revaluate my beliefs and attitudes based on my experience with diverse people, but if I had only stayed where I was born, I would have limited understanding of others. Furthermore, interaction with others has helped to focus more on self-refection.
Family is the first agent of socialization agent such that the individual is in social groups, including friends, religious, cultural, political, and economic institutions. These institutions influence values, beliefs, norms, and attitudes, which reflect dominant culture. Thus, while there is an interaction between the environment and choices, the choices I have made reflect perceptions about myself. While I do not choose circumstances, I have made choices that have made me achieve my goals in life with the support of others. Thus, to some degree, the support system has been crucial to my growth, but I know myself.
I am more reflective and do not merely do things to be acceptable. I am critical of myself, and as a self-critic, I evaluate what choices I have made are right. Self-reflection makes me better, and nobody can teach another person how they feel and to look at themselves. Self-awareness is key to growth, and even after...
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