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Call and Response Tradition: Stirring Things Up

Essay Instructions:

8/25 Participation Grade (5 points plus bonus)Trickster Tales and Music. Read the article “Stirring Things Up” at this link: https://www(dot)learner(dot)org/series/american-passages-a-literary-survey/slavery-and-freedom/activities/ . (The article is located on the list at the left side of the webpage. Click to open it.) Read the brief folk tale, “Brer Rabbit Earns a Dollar-a-Minute” at this link: https://americanfolklore(dot)net/folklore/2010/07/brer_rabbit_earns_a_dollaramin.html .Write a brief paragraph (with a minimum of 150 words) in which you do the following: Explain how the use of a trickster figure is illustrated in the story. To do so, summarize the plot, and explain what animal would be considered the trickster figure. What is the trap, and how is that animal able to outsmart another animal? Write your answer in complete sentences and in your own words. Answer:Bonus

For a 3-point bonus in Participation Grades, answer the following:
“Stirring Things Up” explains the “call and response” tradition. Here is an example of a slave work song which incorporates call and response. (Not all songs which incorporated call and response were work songs.)
For 3 bonus points, provide an example of a modern-day example of the call and response tradition. This example might be from a religious ceremony that you’ve attended or other musical forms with which you are familiar. Your answer must include explain the context of the example (Where have you heard/sang it? When? Genre?). Explain what the song is about, its title, and at least one call and response phrase. Write your answer in complete sentences.
Save this document with your last name + the due date (Wright8.25).
Upload the document before 11:00 PM on Wednesday, October 25.

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ENG 323
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ENG 323
Brer Rabbit earns a dollar-a-minute is a trickster tale involving three main characters. Brer Fox is a hardworking animal with an enviable goober patch. Brer Rabbit, the main character, identifies a way of stealing peas from Brer Fox's goober patch. However, despite Brer Fox's attempts to catch the real pea thief, he is unsuccessful. Brer Bear is the character who gets tricked in the story. Brer Rabbit is captured by Brer Fox's spring, and he lies to Brer Bear about why he is sprung in the air. He tells Brer Bear that he is working for Brer Fox as a sca...
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