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Case Study Analysis: Victor Reinoso and DCPS

Essay Instructions:

Attached you will find a case study. Using the knowledge you gained by working through the Competency 2 material you will read the case study and write an essay whose body is from three to five pages long. The body does not include the cover page and reference page of the essay. The essay must be in APA style. Make sure you cite all your sources which means that at minimum your should cite the attached document (Case Study). Use at minimum the following theories discussed in this competency: Kotter's Change Model, Lewin's Change Model, Roger's Change Model, and the Organizational Capacity for Change Model. Use all of the information given in the case study. It is quite a lot of information. Use the following questions as a guide but do not resort to just answer the questions in the essay but use them merely as a starting point for your analysis.

1)What are management principles?

2) What management principles does Victor Reinoso put into practice?

3) Where do we see the 4-Capabilities Leadership Framework being put into practice by Reinoso? Which capabilities does he use most successfully? Which could he leverage more effectively? Can we speak of a “change signature” for him?

You should analyze the impact on the organization, the workers, leadership, the customers, and the future of all involved.

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Case Study Analysis: Victor Reinoso and DCPS
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Case Study Analysis: Victor Reinoso and DCPS
Management involves coordinating the efforts of different people in order to achieve the established goals using a predetermined strategy. Management is mostly applied in all organizations, and different managers adopt different styles. The management principles usually involve activities that relate to the key management functions of planning, organizing, leading, staffing, and controlling (Hill, & McShane, 2008). Planning involves setting objectives as well as a strategy to achieve them. Organizing involves developing institutional structures that will allocate the resources needed to achieve the established goals. Further, leading includes the types of influence a manager uses to inspire employees to take the desired action in order to achieve the projected results. Staffing is the recruitment and hiring of qualified people who will perform various duties that enable an organization to reach its goals. Finally, controlling is the various steps that a manager uses to ensure that the operation does not deviate from the predetermined plans in order to achieve the desired objectives. In the case study, Victor Reinoso applied various management principles to ensure that he achieved the goal of improving the performance of public schools in Washington, DC.
For instance, planning was a key principle that Mr. Reinoso employed to achieve his desired objective. First, Reinoso and Mayor Adrian Fenty planned to shift control of the Washington, DC Public Schools (DCPS) from the state education board to the mayor's office (Hafrey, & Reavis, 2011). The shift would enable changes to be implemented more rapidly and would reduce some of the bottlenecks caused by the system employed by the state education board, which involved decision-by-committee. It was slow and involved various compromises that Reinoso felt were unnecessary because they served the members of the board as opposed to the students, who were the supposed beneficiaries of such decisions. Further, Reinoso used data in his planning in order to establish realistic objectives for the new department of education under the mayor. Reinoso also employed the principle of organizing by setting up various structures that would facilitate the execution of his plans. He drafted The DC Public Education Reform Act of 2007, which Mayor Fenty used to change the control structure of the DCPS (Hafrey, & Reavis, 2011). The legislation also eliminated some of the responsibilities that had been placed on schools, which did not improve education, to ensure more emphasis on learning. Thus, planning and organizing are some of the management principles that Reinoso employed in his efforts to reform the DCPS.
In various instances, Reinoso also employed the 4-Capabilities of Leadership Framework. According to Anacona Malone, Orlikowski, and Senge (2007), the four capabilities of the leadership model are identifies sensemaking, relating, "visioning," and inventing as essential capabilities that leaders need to be successful. Sensemaking is the ability to generate meaning from personal experience. Reinoso has a strong capability of sensemaking, as evidence by his ability to analyze the problems facing the DCPS and developing appropriate solutions. The capability of relating enables leaders to develop key relationships that will enable them to be effective. Reinoso created relationships with various people whenever he needed to in order to succeed in his efforts. Further visioning involves a leader's capability to conceive an idea that improves the current situation and convincing people to adopt and implement it. Reinoso imagined an education system that helped students to improve their performance and prepare them for employment in the future (Hafrey, & Reavis, 2011). Finally, inventing involves the implementation of the necessary activities to realize the envisioned idea. Reinoso de...
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