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Group Studies in Nursing, Hepatitis, and SBAR: The Need for Communication and Teamwork

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer,

Please follow assignments requirement. My concept map section is HEALTH PROMOTION and my major issue is TYPE of HEPATITIS. I should write how I can apply health promotion to hepatitis. Provided scenario is incomplete and we have to find missing information. Please create graph for SBAR. You can find sample on google. The teacher didn't send us a template for SBAR. And answer following sections:

IDENTIFICATION- you can leave this I will fill in




I requested 5 pages, 2 pages for papers, 1 page for concept map and 2 pages for SBAR. Please fill in SBAR using bullets. Please scroll down for provided semester scenario.

Thank you

Worth: 40% of final grade

Evaluation: While this is a group project, there will be no group grade. Each learner will achieve an individual grade based on their participation in group work as well as a grade for the individual assignment components.

1. Rubric of Evaluation – Individual Participation in Group Concept Map (20%) a. Each learner will be graded on their section of the concept map and how well it connects to other sections of the concept map.

Critical thinking is an important educational life skill. Traditional care planning using a linear format does not allow the learner to create an holistic picture of their client/patient, thus not stimulating clinical reasoning and failing to foster critical thinking skills. Concept maps help nursing students collect and organize patient/client data, learn to critically think about relationships in the data, and provide opportunities for enhancing clinical reasoning and practicing critical thinking skills.

Using a learner centered inquiry based approach, learners will be required to actively participate in constructing meaning from new knowledge. A group concept map assignment with individual learner components will allow the learner to demonstrate in creative ways their learning and ability to meet the course outcomes.

The purpose of this assignment is to help each learner develop their leadership and communication abilities as a nurse. This is a two (2) part assignment: • Part 1 focuses on working in a group, providing opportunities for demonstrating communication and leadership • Part 2 focuses on individual work where each learner has opportunity to self reflect on their communication and leadership abilities, and additionally provides opportunities to send and receive peer feedback

Assignment Requirements

Review plagiarism guidelines. Plagiarized assignments will receive a grade of zero (0). Cite ALL references using proper APA format.

Due: Week 5 – Tuesday October 13, 2020 no later than midnight (2359) Ontario time, ONE submission from each group. The Individual Group Member Assigned Components form listing the Group Concept Map Section each group member is assigned and the Major Issue each group member is assigned for the individual SBAR component of the assignment.

Due: Week 9 – Monday November 9, 2020 no later than midnight (2359) Ontario time. ALL components of the assignment are due at this time. A sign up list for recording the group presentation will be made available to peers via Blackboard.

Worth: 40% of final grade

Evaluation: While this is a group project, there will be no group grade. Each learner will achieve an individual grade based on their participation in group work as well as a grade for the individual assignment components.

1. Rubric of Evaluation – Individual Participation in Group Concept Map (20%) a. Each learner will be graded on their section of the concept map and how well it connects to other sections of the concept map

Group Concept Map Assignment

b. Evaluating connectedness of each section will demonstrate effective communication, collaboration, ability to work within a group, manage conflict 2. Rubric of Evaluation – Individual Small Assignments Related to Group Concept Map (20%) a. Each learner will submit a completed SBAR for individual grading (5 %) b. Each learner will submit a self-evaluation of their participation in the group work (15%)

NOTE: For the case scenario assigned for this semester, please scroll to the last page of this document located above/before the References page. If another case scenario is used, the submissions (group and individual) will not be accepted and graded, resulting in a Grade of ‘0’ for the assignment.

Part 1 of the Assignment – Group Concept Map (20%) • ALL group members MUST be present for the entire group presentation of their group concept map • Each group member is to actively participate, presenting their assigned section of the group concept map with equal time allotted for each group member • No group member may present only the introduction and summary – this is to be shared group work

Online course • Presentations will be done during class time. • The Course Instructor will post a sign up list. • Each group will have 30 minutes for their presentation

• Each group will make a Blackboard Collaborate recording. • The Course Instructor will provide direction for how this is to be done. • Each group will have a prebooked 30 minute time slot in Collaborate to create their group recording.

1. Each learner will be assigned to a group by the Course Instructor. Each group will have 5-6 members depending on course enrollment. 2. Using the semester assigned case scenario, each group will create one concept map for the assigned case scenario a. The reverse case study format will be used as this format requires the learners to map the missing information, creating an holistic picture of the client/patient

Group Concept Map Assignment

b. Each group will have the ability to develop the case scenario uniquely, rationale for the findings will be a requirement of the assignment 3. Each group concept map MUST include the following sections: a. Missing information – what is not found in the assigned case scenario that is needed to fully develop the concept map. Include rationale for each item of missing information the group decides to include in the concept map. b. Major issues – once the missing information is developed, identify ALL the major issues in the case scenario. c. Nursing Actions – identify and describe ALL the nursing actions required to provide comprehensive patient/client and family centered care d. Health promotion – identify and describe all communication related to health promotion taken with patient/client and family e. Conflict and conflict resolution – identify and describe how this will be addressed based on the assigned semester case scenario f. Culturally safe care – identify and describe how cultural safe care is provided for patient/client and family. Also identify and describe how the culture of the individual nurse impacts on the case scenario 4. The group will determine what component of the concept map each group member will present. a. No one group member may only do the presentation introduction and summary. This work is to be shared by all group members. b. Note: When a group has less than 6 members, some sections can be completed as a group, e.g. Missing Information.

Part 2 of the Assignment – Individual Small Assignments Related to Group Concept Map (20%)

The Part 2 of the assignment must be submitted as ONE document in either WORD or PDF format; if more than one document is submitted, only the first document submitted will be graded (this does NOT affect the two attempts to submit using SafeAssign as long as the final submission for grading is one document).

A title page is required at the beginning of each learner’s submission.


Each learner will individually complete an SBAR based on the semester assigned case scenario. • To be submitted ONLY as a chart with rows and columns. DO NOT answer in paragraph format. • The SBAR is to be comprehensive and include: a. Which team member(s) you are communicating with b.The details you are communicating

Group Concept Map Assignment

COURSE NAME: Leadership and Advanced Communication Page 4 COURSE CODE: NURS 1052 and NURS 1062 September 2020

o The request / recommendation you are making as the nurse providing care for the patient/client with rationale for why you are making the request / recommendation • The focus of the SBAR is to develop and report on ONE major issue already identified in the group concept map presentation. The SBAR is NOT to be a change of shift hand off report. o The group is to decide and assign which major issue each learner is to report on in their individual SBAR submission.

Self-evaluation on Participation as a Group Member

Each learner will write a Scholarly Paper which is a minimum length of two (2) pages using the appropriate APA formatting. Each learner is to think about their participation in the group work related to course outcomes. Select from the following list, ONE item and self-evaluate your performance as a group member, analyzing how your involvement influenced group members and the group outcomes.

Select ONE of the following as the focus for your paper:

• Emotional intelligence

• Peer feedback

• Coaching and mentoring

• Roles taken in the group

• Communication

• Conflict management

• Leadership

Learners must refer directly to a minimum of one (1) relevant scholarly nursing article from a nursing journal to support their answer. The journal article MUST be dated within the past 5 years. The journal article is to be cited in the body of the paper to support your answer.

Group Concept Map Assignment

Semester Case Scenario for Group Concept Map Assignment

This is the ONLY case scenario to be used for this semester. If another case scenario is used, the submissions (group and individual) will not be accepted and graded, resulting in a Grade of ‘0’ for the assignment.

Client Profile

Biming is 27 years old male, admitted this evening. He has been diagnosed with viral hepatitis. He is jaundiced and his urine is very dark yellow.

Subjective Data

• He says he has not had an appetite for several days

• Complaining of itching and nausea

• Biming is homeless, living in a cardboard tent or sleeping on benches

• The physician in the ED admission notes wrote, “Denies using any substances – need to verify.”

• The staff on the unit do not want to provide care as Biming is malodourous, his hair is matted, his skin appears unclean, and staff are heard saying, “He looks scary – not sure what he might do. He is homeless and they are known to cause trouble, get into fights.”

Objective Data

• T 37.5° C, P 88, R 24, BP 130/70, pain level 1, pulse ox 98%

• Intake for the shift was 100 mL and output 300 mL

• BS = 12.1

• Total bilirubin 0.24 mmol/L

Collaborative Care

• Weigh daily • IV: D5/0.9 NS @125 mL/hr

• Stool for occult blood

Group Concept Map Assignment


All, A.C., Huycke, L.I., & Fisher, M.J. (2003). Instructional tools for nursing education: Concept maps. Nursing Education Perspectives, 24(6), 311-317.

Cook, L. K., Dover, C., Dickson, M., & Colton, D.L. (2012). From care plan to concept map: A paradigm shift. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 7, 88-92. doi:10.1016/j.teln.2011.11.005

Grealish, L., Armit, L., Shaw, J., Frommolt, V., Mitchell, C., Mitchell, M., van de Mortel, T., & Billett, S. (2019). Learning through structured peer discussion: An observational study. Nurse Education Today, 82, 99-105.

Hagell, P., Edfors, E., Hedin, G., Westergren, A., Sjödahl Hammarlund, C. (2016). Group concept mapping for evaluation and development in nursing education. Nurse Education in Practice, 20, 147-153. http://dx(dot)doi(dot)org/10.1016/j.nepr.2016.08.006

Hsu, L. & Hsieh, S-I. (2005). Concept maps as an assessment tool in a nursing course. Journal of Professional Nursing, 21(3), 141-149.

Jones, T. (2017). Playing detective to enhance critical thinking. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 12, 7376. http://dx(dot)doi(dot)org/10.1016/j.teln.2016.09.005

Kinchin, I. & Hay, D. (2005). Using concept maps to optimize the composition of collaborative student groups: A pilot study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51(2), 182-187.

King, M. & Shell, R. (2002). Teaching and evaluating critical thinking with concept maps. Nurse Educator, 27(5), 214-216.

Mathew, L. (2017). Using Wikis to build nursing concept maps: Promoting group interactive learning. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 35(2), 63-66.

McDonald, M.S., Neumeier, M., & Olver, M.E. (2018). From linear care plan through concept map to Concepto-Plan: The creation of an innovative and holistic care plan. Nurse Education in Practice, 31, 171-176. https://doi(dot)org/10.1016/j.nepr.2018.05.005

Pilcher, J. (2011). Teaching and learning with concept maps. Neonatal Network, 30(5), 336-339.

Taylor, L.A. & Littleton-Kearney, M. (2011). Concept mapping: A distinctive educational approach to foster critical thinking. Nurse Educator, 36(2), 84-88.

Zandvakilim E., Washington, E., Gordon, E.W., Wells, C., & Mangaliso, M. (2019). Teaching patterns of critical thinking: The 3CA Model—concept maps, critical thinking, collaboration, and assessment. SAGE Open, October-December 2019, 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/2158244019885142

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Group Studies in Nursing, Hepatitis, and Sbar in Nursing
Student’s Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Course ID and Name:
Tutor’s Name:
Due Date:
Group Studies in Nursing, Hepatitis, and Sbar in Nursing
Several aspects of group work and participation require a lot of virtues and attribute to accomplish. The goals and endeavors would not be reached if all the members would not meet specific attributes. Some of these include communication, intelligence, leadership, conflict management, and communication, among others. Communication keeps all the group members abreast of every step they achieve, is useful when calling meetings, solving problems, among others. This section focuses on communication as an aspect of group work, analyzes its contribution, and elaborates on how all the group goals are pegged.
First, communication brings all the group members together for discussions and updates on what should be done. Borrowing from Vermeir et al. (2015), group members do not come from the same place and do not meet regularly, but communicate periodically and needly. The group has to communicate to meet, hold discussions, and provide any recommendations. Group members notify the rest to gather them for meetings and inform the venues, time, and agenda. Several aspects are considered in discussions, like a proper way to converse, through a universal language. With a language barrier, groups would not deliberate on any solutions to take them forward. Feedback from meetings and further clarification is done. This is the point when every member believes in the success of their communications. Members who do not keep communication as an essential tool mess their projects and do not achieve their goals. For my group, this has been a critical factor in keeping us together.
Sometimes communication is needed to solve problems arising within the group. Our group leaders are at times under stringent conditions that require their skills to solve. From experience with the group, communication is always the first element of success when solving crises. They inquire about every detail of the problem, the issues arising, and how to move forward. When group members conflict, the best way to calm them is to communicate the itching issues. As group members, we value communication every time people take parallel decisions. They are well debated in the right and respectful ways. This does not limit to only conflicts, but other instances where there is conflicting or misinformation. Since the adoption of communication methods via social media like Telegram or WhatsApp, we find it easy to speak to one another and break the barriers that would lead to information delays. I can attest that my group members give updates frequently, in a way that encourages me to do the same.
Finally, the time taken to handle a project is lessened when there is teamwork. Teamwork involves a meeting, delegation of duties, and each member working to achieve their objectives. In our group, roles are provided for tasks we research, with each person given the time to decide on when they can achieve it. There are times when tasks are tricky and challenging to handle by one individual. They require the cumulative brainwork of all the group members. At such times, information is spread, and discussions are held. The resultant is a shorter time taken on the most challenging tasks. This offloads the individual members’ burden, opens a platform for sharing skills, and improves every group member.
The aspects of communication that keep our group successful include providing timely updates, understanding all the members, solving problems, shortening tasks, and being the chief tool for group leaders to solve crises. Our group has been a beneficiary of all these, with the secret being disciplined to every aspect that improves these results. I can confirm that we have been successful; every individual is satisfied and is looking forward to achieving greater heights if we communicate well.
Group Concept Map
237172522860Healthy BoilingProper foodUsing protection
236220024384020478752628901162050348615342900262890living waterStrategiesduring sex
1171575285750Avoiding contact2343150323850
With body fluid25336502781303933825344805Health Promotion
356235019431030289502609852105025337185 Hepatitis A
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