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Injustice Against Women of Color

Essay Instructions:

Please write a short reading reflection(200-300words) using at least one of the sources listed below.

Please also include your personal experience to the theme and also include a relevant image and a question for the reading you choose.

Week 4 - October 26th and 28th “You Are Unwise to Lower Your Defenses”: The Phantom Menace (Corporatization and Institutional Oppression and Political Power)● Guest Speaker: Amy Block Joy. “Whistle Blower”. UC Davis Professor.● W. P. “The Cost of Speaking” ● David Greenwald. “UC Davis Whistleblower Gains Settlement After Retaliation in Theft Case.” Read here. ● Eliza Noh. “Unpacking the Master’s Plan: Asian American Women Resisting the Language of Academic Imperialism.”● Jane Junn and Mai’a K. Davis Cross. Investigating Discrimination: Injustice against Women of Color in the Academy.”● Hua Hsu. “Andrew Yang and the Political Narratives of Asian-Americans.” Read here.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Injustice Against Women of Color
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It is never sufficient to talk of peace, therefore one has to believe and work towards attaining. Color discrimination at workplaces involves mistreating someone for his pigmentation, or skin tone. Workplace discrimination grounded on skin color has been on the escalation, marked by the emergent number of filed grievances in the governmental agencies and courts (Junn & Cross).
From the overall review of workplace activities, not all black employees are discriminated against though some get discriminated against since they have a different skin tone. Additionally, dark-skinned black employees receive fewer career opportunities as compared to lighter-skinned black employees. According to title vii of the civil rights act of 1964, this kind of discrimination is illegal (Junn & Cross).
The discrimination results in either a physical or a mental outcome upon the discriminated individual (Dembly, 2017). Discriminated employees portray high levels of psycholog...
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