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Transnational Values of Self-actualization, Communication, & Identity

Essay Instructions:

Please compare and contrast the two stories "the third and final continent" and "interpreter of Maladies" and connect with a global issue. Please note that you do not need to keep introducing the background of the story. You only need to include one sentence for each story to summarize the main background.

You don’t need to use other citations, just use the original text!

How should you choose a global issue?

Make sure your topic of choice fits the following parameters:

It has significance on a wide/large scale

It is transnational

Its impact is felt in everyday local contexts.

You should do:
1. Makes salient comments on the craftsmanship of the writer
2. Discusses the literary effects achieved in the passage and how they are achieved. (In other words, use the passage to prove that the author used specific techniques to create an artistic effect).
3. Show the comparison and comparison of two stories
4. Discuss how the author creates a given effect or impression.

You should not do:
1. NOT an unveiling of "what the author really means." It is important to identify the purpose, function, or meaning of the poem but it should not become a focus. Your focus should be on how the meaning, function, or purpose of the passage is created.
2. NOT a paraphrase or a summary of the work
3. NOT an introduction to the work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Compare and Contrast ‘The Third and Final Continent” and “Interpreter of Maladies” and Identity Realization as a Global Issue.
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Compare and Contrast ‘The Third and Final Continent” and “Interpreter of Maladies” and Identity Realization as a Global Issue.
The central theme of the short story "Interpreter of Maladies" presents challenges humans face in their attempt to communicate or express their emotional feelings to others. The Third and the Final Continent story features an unnamed character who emigrated from his home country India to Britain and now settled in America. This story presents the theme of isolation, loneliness, and the feeling of not belonging in a new country. As the title suggests, the narrator has traveled through three countries searching for a better future, and through each of them, he has had to endure challenges until he settles down in his third and last continent, America.
The story of the Interpreter of maladies and that of The Third and the final continent are similar in that it features male characters struggling to make ends meet in unfamiliar continents. In the Interpreter of Maladies, Mr. Kapasi had been employed in a hospital as an interpreter of ailments for non-Gujrati patients. However, through this experience, Mr. Kapasi meets the Das family who had come for sight-seeing and applies his interpreter skills, and somehow forms a special bond with the family. The Third and the Final Continent features an unnamed male character who had to survive hardship when migrating to London. However, when he came to America, the character formed a special bond with the female characters who offered him a rent house.
On the other hand, these stories are different from the Third, and the Final Continent experiences a hard time forming a connection, expressing himself before his acquaintances. For the Interpret of Maladies, Mr. Kapasa and the Das family form relations as they share meals and drinks at roadside restaurants. These stories exhibit a vast lapse in their idealization of a marriage. On the one hand, Mrs. Das had a very grave secret that one of his sons was not her husband. She confesses to Mr.Kapasa that she cheated on her husband with his best friend on the couch and never told him. For the Third and the Last Continent, the narrator openly confesses that he is married to his new friends, Mrs. Croft and Helen. However, he fails to mention how his wife has experienced trauma due to refusal from suitors due to her skin color despite he...
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